Josh Marshall has it right. Let's hope the Democrats & the decent ReThugs act the same way about the suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act.
"House-Senate Katrina probe dies as Dems refuse to participate in GOP-controlled probe.
"Mammalian biologists cite development as new evidence for late-stage testiculogenesis."
Well said, well said.
After decades of Democratic socialist programs that produced the blight that is (was) New Orleans, all of a sudden it's all the fault of a Republican President that help was late in arriving, even though help was offered twice and refused (twice) before the Hurricane even hit. It sickens me that all the liberal demagogues and political sycophants can find to do is criticize rather than find ways to help clean up this mess. They're even sicker than the morons who were shooting at the rescuers. Liberalism is a mental disease rarely cured except through raising children or having a near-death experience. I grew up during the sixties and bought into the rock, roll, and rebellion crap. It's a pity that so many former flower children and dope-headed morons never recovered from the prevalent mindset of that era. Welcome to BillyCreekWorld! It's still 1969, and whitey is out to exploit the po' helpless infantile nigras who just can't make it without the generosity of their patronizing benefactors, the socialist democrats. What an insult to the Black race. Jesse Jackson is running a colored version of Tammany Hall. Just keep those votes comin' folks! Socialism has come close to ruining completely the Black race, but everything is peachy for the Democratic political bosses. Their constituents have been spoon-fed this victimization crap from birth. When will they take responsibility for their own lives? Answer: NEVER! It's already too late in the game.
You mean like making fun of cops & breaking the laws you don't like. How 1960's of you. What a doofus.
Troll alert, he(?) lives.
Anonymous has no identity. There's nobody home. One ringy-dingy... two-ringy-dingy... hello? Your inability to respond intelligently or discuss a point tells me you have nothing to offer. I'm not surprised. I suspected you were unable to think. Thanks for proving it.
I don't know, Craig Lowery, I think "anonymous" has a good point about the 1960's. People made fun of the cops & didn't obey laws that they either didn't like or disagreed with. Your own blog indicates that you make fun of cops & only obey the laws you agree with. Why don't you respond to "a"? Are you afraid that, in fact, you are the kind of person you claim to hate? To quote Bob Dylan: "You have no faith to lose, and you know it." That's what makes you so vicious & angry. BTW, I see on you blog that you did not respond to Curtis' inquiry for the source of your amazingly stupid assertion vis-a-vis the mastodons. What, no bible verses at the ready? Tool.
I make fun of rubes who lack civility. I was pulled over by a State Trooper (for going 81 mph) and he was a perfect gentleman. I respect him. I like to drive fast on empty highways. Big deal. In the sixties, rebellion was against all rules and authority. We were told not to trust anyone over thirty. Does being a "speeder" mean I'm vicious and angry? Have you ever exceeded the speed limit? Are you vicious and angry? You're grasping at straws. Is that the best you can come up with? If you're talking about Curtis' inquiry about the mastodon found in the midwest, you'll find my answer in my reply to "anonymous" (Curtis, apparently) under comments for the same day (Sept 18, on my blog). Here it is:
"The first sentence posits a circular argument. You assume what you attempt to prove. The idea of a long ice age is not supported by the evidence, as I discussed in my post regarding mud flows and catastrophic events. The St. Helens mud flow carved a path more than 100 feet deep and 1000 feet wide through solid rock in a matter of hours. Your midwestern mastodon may or may not have died in circumstances identical to what I described on my post as a "ferocious storm" the like of which has not occurred before or since, according to God's Word. The Flood was accompanied by violent volcanic eruptions all over the earth, so the discussion of how this mastodon perished or was preserved is irrelevant to my position. Perhaps the volcanic dust and ash got to him first."
I could also add that just because a mastodon was found in the midwest doesn't mean he lived there. The Flood moved massive quantities of material over vast distances. In some cases boulders weighing hundreds of tons were moved hundreds of miles in opposite directions. Violent, swirling water currents do that, not glaciers. Could you be specific about what part of this constitutes "amazingly stupid assertions"?
Note: the entire canyon carved by the mud flow was not through solid rock. Much of it was through volcanic ash and mud. Part of it was carved more than 100 feet deep, however, through solid rock, and in a matter of hours. The point is that the Mt. St Helens phenomena serve as a tiny microcosm of the conditions that prevailed worldwide according to the Biblical description of the Flood. The Bible does not contradict what I know about polar shifts, tectonic plate shifts, asteroids, and magnetic field reversals, all of which support the idea of a comparatively young earth, and not a long Ice Age.
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