Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's All About Me

I started this blog a year ago next month. I didn't start counting the visits until April, however. I've written over 1300 posts during this time, all fun to do, more or less. I'm approaching 7,500 visitors, which is, for me, unbelieveable. After the first few months using SiteMeter, I thought that averaging 500 hits a month would be more than cool. I've exceeded that already. So, my vanity is in play now. It would be really cool to hit 10,000 by the end of next month, March, 2006. So I say to you, my loyal four readers, keep clicking & tell your friends & neighbors to click as well. I think 2,500 hits is possible in two months. Remember, everytime you come to this blog, Bu$hCo has a hot flash. Well, maybe not, but we can always hope.

1 comment:

Shutterwi said...

Ok. Billycreek readers. Here's our options.

1. Each of the 4 readers (coldh2o numbers) need to visit 10.41 time each day for 60 days. (the .41 should be interesting)


2. Get more readers.

1250 new readers would mean 1 visit each month for each new reader.

No problem!

But just in case I'm going to make my 10 visit on one day and 11 the next AND 12 on the last day.

But considering that would be a five fold increase in my reader ship. I think coldh20 needs to up his posts by say 5 each day.

Now that will be blogging.