It's a sad day in the coldH2O household. This morning we found our 20 year old cat, Mikey, dead near his food dish. He had been ailing the last several days, but he did not appear to be in any pain. Mrs. coldH2O held the cat & I held them both & we did a sad mini-Mary Tyler Moore last show shuffle around the basement. He was a great cat & he will be missed. His recent good friend, Tipitina is now queen of the house. We'll see if she has the will to do it. Here are a lot of pics of the late Mikey. Our 28 year old daughter, aka, the kid, initially named him Michealangelo after her obsession with the Ninja Turtles. He was an old cat. I bought some Calvados this late afternoon & we will be toasting him, repeatedly, this evening & tomorrow & the next day & who knows for how long. & I know about the tens of thousands of dead people in Iraq & Afganistan. The thousands dead & severely injured U.S. soldiers, & the people going to bed hungry right here in northern Wisco & I mourn them daily. So fuck you if you want to tell me to get my priorities straight. They are as straight as they ever will get. I already miss that cat. I miss him terribly. Thanks so much Rosy for bringing him to us all those long years ago. That sweet kindness will never be forgotten.
Mikey & the kid's Tcoupitoulas, the last time Mikey ran was to chase Tchoupitoulas into the basement for bullying Tipitina.

Mikey & Tipitina, being a cat is really hard work. Harder than being a fake president.

I really love this picture.

I really, really love this picture.

Showing that, indeed, he is genetically descended from the lion. A really slow lion.

Mikey rolling on living room floor. I'll miss these performances.

Mikey & the flunk-out seeing eye dog, Rocky.

Mikey & the new kitty, Tipitina, having some fun.

Mikey & a pup from our last litter, this was two years ago.

While you can't tell because of the devil eyes, this is the cross-eyed king of the house.

NOTE: To my friends & ex-students, I'll try & track you down, particularly Meghan & Colleen, & let you know the news.
I like cats a Hell of a lot, so I'm sorry to hear about Mikey who sounds like my kind of cat. Twenty, that's great! I'd love to be able to have a cat or two again, and hope for one like that.
Thanks. It means a lot to me. I appreciate it, as does Mrs. coldH2O & the kid & son-in-law.
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