Tuesday, March 06, 2007


In response to a comment below, a comment in which the the year 1913 appears to be the end of the world for the commenter because that's when the Federal Reserve System was created. I was also exhorted to study history. Well, here are a few tidbits from 1910-1913, a glorious time for Americans, according to the commenter.

-25 March. Fire breaks out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, killing 146 workers, mostly women and girls; some jump to their deaths when inadequate equipment makes rescue impossible. [It served the workers right. For some reason. Oh, & no such thing as OSHA back then either.]
-15 April. The Titanic strikes an iceberg, and 1502 lives are lost because the ship did not carry enough lifeboats. [Again, free to die.]
-5 June. In what is now known as "Dollar Diplomacy," the U. S. sends marines to protect business interests in Cuba. [What can I say?]


Craig Lowery said...

I'm a bit underwhelmed. Is that the best you can do?
1. Apparently, you know little or nothing about the Federal Reserve.
2. Am I to believe that without OSHA no responsible entity could ever have thought of fire doors, sprinklers, or fire escapes?
3. The Titanic was owned by the British White Star Line, flew the British flag,and thus was under the rules and regulations of the British government. Although she was originally designed to carry 42 lifeboats, the ship carried only 20 lifeboats (four more than were required at the time by British regulations) for the 2,228 passengers and crew. (That number could supposedly hold 1,178 people.) The original designer of theTitanic had proposed 50 lifeboats, but the British owners of the White Star Line had decided against it. (If it had been under US Government regulation at the time, 42 lifeboats, enough to accommodate 2,367 persons would have been required for a ship that size.)
4. Dollar diplomacy? My point exactly. If you Google "Smedley Butler" you will find his book and several pertinent facts. During his 30 year Marine Corps career he enforced dollar diplomacy all over the world. He is the most decorated Marine in US history. Following his retirement, he became a prominent anti-interventionist. Butler came forward in 1934 and informed Congress that a group of wealthy industrialists and bankers (old J.D. Rockefeller comes to mind) had plotted a military coup to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and asked Butler to lead the coup. This was a NAZI group backed by the same folks who backed Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, and (later) Mao. Their front for money laundering to Hitler was Brown Brothers Harriman, and their front man was Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George W. Bush. Of the names mentioned here, all are socialists except Major General Smedley Butler. They planned a white America sans Jews, Negroes and Indians. They should have been hung along with Truman and Roosevelt.
I hate ALL forms of socialism.

Craig Lowery said...

And by the way... it was thanks in large part to the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 that these "wealthy industrialists and bankers" had the money to FUND all of the murderous tyrants listed. George W. Bush is living proof that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Us said...

yikes! thems fighten words.....

Anonymous said...

Why is it that all the strong anti socialists are well fed? RLK

coldH2O said...

I agree about Bush, Craig, but why do you hate the socialist baby Jesus?

Craig Lowery said...

Socialism is the antithesis of charity, not its synonym.

coldH2O said...

You would be wrong about this, & sadly, you will never alter your neural pathways concerning " I know, I know, I'm showing that damned liberal tendency involving tolerance. But remember, "I a liberal, to a degree, I want everybody to be free."

Craig Lowery said...

Freedom, brother!

Anonymous said...

Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

this is not the same as the government having a social conscience as much as libertarians would wish it so. It is also not the same as consumer protection or universal health care. Socialism much like communism has been used as a bogeyman by those of the selfish libertarian bent that are too selfish to take to heart the story of the good samaritan. The murderer after all asked the question am I my brothers keeper? RLK

coldH2O said...

Thanks for the backup RLK & you sure are right about the "I've got mine & the hell with everyone else" crowd.

Craig Lowery said...

Yes, but is it true?
Socialism is coercion, which by its definition robs a man of the time he has invested in acquiring something of value, which therefore is synonymous with robbing him of a portion of his life that cannot be regained or re-lived: hence it is tantamount to murder. God never required Cain to be his brother's keeper; only that he not be his brother's murderer. Cain's insinuation was that God was being unfair. He had just murdered his brother, and was dissimulating. If God were not a loving God, a lightning bolt could have been forthcoming, but God gave Cain opportunity to repent of his sin. Cain did not. He only felt sorry for himself because he had been caught.
Example of charity: a young mother is a sloppy housekeeper and a bratty wife, resulting in a shaky marriage relationship, and children who are poorly cared for and unloved. Exercising charity, my wife might teach her how to be a better wife, housekeeper and mother, using Biblical principles. This is what is needed. The young woman might prefer that someone clean her house, care for her kids, and make it possible for her to live without her husband's support, which is what socialism does, to the detriment of marriage, home, family, and society. Socialism is not charity. It is a loveless counterfeit that is offered when people reject God and His law. It seeks to relieve the consequences of sin without requiring positive results or accountability for the resources expended.
The states having the highest "charity index" are states generally regarded as "redneck" states, while the least generous states are liberal states. That alone reveals the lie that "liberals are more caring".
Charity, on the other hand is voluntary, and operates by love, providing what is needed, not necessarily what is wanted or demanded.
Socialism makes it possible to live without working. (God decreed that men must work, because it is a necessary activity to keep them out of trouble.) When work is rendered unnecessary, sinful humans are free to drink, do drugs, fornicate, watch TV, and produce more generations of parasitic spawn to prey on the host community.

Anonymous said...

I know what is wrong with watching tv and producing parasitic spawn but what pray tell can you explain is wrong with drinking and fornicating? Jesus him very self produced gobs of wine out of water and producing offspring has been the mainstay of religions since the dawn of the age. So what gives? Have I missed a lecture? RLK

Anonymous said...

Jesus elevated two commmandments to the highest rank love thy God and love thy neighbor. So, esplain to me what are Gods laws? RLK

Craig Lowery said...

Jesus made new wine, which is fresh grape juice, the very BEST kind of wine. There is nothing wrong with drinking it, and it is good for the heart (resveratrol) when used in moderation. Excessive amounts lead to the usual problems related to sugar.
To preserve wine for later use, the Jews concentrated it into a brandy or syrup, which fermented naturally. It could be heated before reconstituting to drive off the alcohol. Drunkenness is a sin.The miracle that astounded the guests at the wedding at Cana was that the water pots were filled to the brim with WATER and no syrup was added. When the guests drank it, they found it to be the very best (like fresh-pressed grape juice).
Fornication is recreational sex outside of the holy bond of marriage. God approves of sex and reproduction IN MARRIAGE. He invented both sex and marriage. Fornication is against God's law, and he who commits it sins against his own flesh (as well as against God). Yup, you missed a lecture.

Craig Lowery said...

Jesus simplified God's laws for us by expressing them in two very simple commandments. If we obey those two, we will not disobey any of the others. Very simple. Unfortunately, none of us have obeyed those two, and everybody needs a Redeemer (God Himself offered Himself as the sinless "Lamb of God" to provide for us the only possible remedy for our sin.) Jesus IS God, not a son abused by a cruel father separate from Himself.

Anonymous said...

Wandering off the reservation there (no reference intended to our first nation brethren) a bit with all the interpretation on the wine and all with the syrupy bit on the wine and Jesus inventin sex and marriage or is it not Christianity we are talking about.RLK

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to fathom that Christianity occurred before Christ. Just sayin. RLK

Craig Lowery said...

The "Scarlet Thread of Redemption" is woven through every book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and represents God's plan from the beginning of Creation. The Blood of the Lamb (a picture of the Blood of Christ, the sinless Lamb of God) first appears in Genesis when it is instituted as a result of the sin that first brought death into the world.
Jews understand that there is but one LORD, and that he was known by various Old Testament (Torah) patriarchs by various names. This same LORD would one day humble Himself, make Himself a little lower than the angels, and be born as a babe (Jesus) in a manger to bring about the culmination of God's plan for the redemption of fallen mankind.
There are differences between "the Faith once delivered to Abraham" (a further revelation of the faith once delivered to Adam) and the faith of the Christian, but the Blood of Christ is the common thread throughout. It was not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to TAKE AWAY sin. IMHO, there were "technically" no "Christians" until the day of Pentecost. There is no longer a need for animal sacrifices foreshadowing the offering of the Son of God. As Jesus said, "It is finished."