Saturday, October 01, 2005

Reason #6621 To Impeach

I'm no fan of the U.S. military, never have been, but this behavior from Bu$hCo & Rumsfeld shows just how bogus the ReThugs are in terms of their commitment to, not just those in the military, but to all Americans. If you are just a soldier you don't get the appropriate equipment to protect yourself, you also get to take ALL the blame for the torture. When will the the supporters of Bu$hCo wake the hell up? I suppose when we are all on one knee.

"Soldiers and their families have reported buying everything from higher-quality protective gear to armor for their Humvees, medical supplies and even global positioning devices.

'The bottom line is that Donald Rumsfeld and the Defense Department are failing soldiers again,' said Paul Rieckhoff, executive director of Operation Truth, an advocacy group for Iraq veterans."

I should have said ILLEGAL behavior. I would also suggest that Paul Rieckhoff effing do something about this problem. Like maybe organizing a bunch of Iraq vets & marching on the White House?

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