Monday, August 29, 2005

I Hate To Say It, But Please, In The Future, Stick To Sports

I agree with Atrios that this is the stupidest column I have, ta da, ever read. Another black mark against the Washington Post. I usually love the sports columnists since they often speak about important issues that affect all of us. This piece of written drivel ought to have been shit-canned by any competent editor. Good grief.


Anonymous said...

I think I have an article that trumps it for stupidity.

coldH2O said...

Hey C - the url has been cut short in the comments. I can't come up with anything. Try again?

Anonymous said...

here is the link and the article.
By Byron Higgin
Science has
powerful allies
It didn’t take long for the new Grantsburg policy that essentially opens the door to the teaching of creationism in addition to evolution to face a test.
A long list of deans and assistant deans from the University of Wisconsin college system across the state has already reached the school board’s attention and is on the desk of Supt. Joni Burgin.
They don’t find the teaching of “theories of origin,” or as I call it, creationism, as a legitimate science theory in the light of evolution.
No surprise here.
In the past several years, Grantsburg’s School Board, which has faced challenges from residents and even the Civil Liberties Union on issues of non-secular music and symbols at its Christmas concerts and allowable Bible Study classes in the schools has once again taken center stage in the fight to provide what it feels their student population needs.
“The call to present ‘theories of origin’ other than the theory of evolution is often couched in terms of ensuring full debate and encouraging critical thinking skills in students. You should not be fooled by these tactics,” said the letter. “Students do not learn critical thinking skills when they are presented with material completely at odds with the nature and thrust of a discipline,” said the letter from the deans.
It appears the state’s deans of science are the ones who are afraid of “critical thinking” by high school students.
The “alternative theories” promoted are collections of spurious and misinformed attacks on evolution coupled with simplistic and misleading descriptions of evolution.
Again, no surprise. Scientists are taught to believe evolution is “the only theory” as to how life originally came to be.
Trouble is, none of them has EVER been able to prove the theory of evolution. Dr. Ron Carlson, who recently spoke in Grantsburg and Siren as a world-renowned expert on “Evolution vs. Creation” said, “It is not a question if you have faith — it’s a question of what you put your faith in.”
According to Dr. Carlson, “Evolution assumes an upward progression from chaos to complexity. He outlined the only two possible scientific evidences: 1. Spontaneous Generation; 2. Spiritual, supernatural creative action of God. And Spontaneous Generation (evolution) is impossible because, “Life only arises from life.”
Fact is, every time educational systems are faced with the process of creationism instead of evolution, they re-define the word evolution. They use the term “Natural Selection,” yet can’t prove the theory that man evolved from apes, or anything else.
Evolutionists try to tell us dinosaurs are extinct but they don’t know what happened to them. They say the world is hundreds of thousands of years old. Yet, Dr. Carlson tells us, “There is no scientific evidence anywhere that the world is older than 6,000 years. Only evolution dictates a need for it be older.”
Dr. Carlson claims the dinosaur became extinct because of the flood that wiped out everyone but Noah, his family, arc and animals in it.
“The flood took place 5,000 years ago in 3,000 B.C.,” said Dr. Carlson.
At the very least, you’d think scientists would WANT to discuss the theory of creationism because it’s supported by a lot of facts.
Yet, they continue to hold on to a theory that’s always been promoted as “true,” yet is not proven by evidence.
They quote famous biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky by saying, “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”
Yet, the Bible shows us there is “evidence all around us,” concerning the creation of mankind. “The Bible is where you discover the truth,” said Dr. Carlson. “Let the evidence lead to conclusion. The contradiction is man and the Bible, not science and the Bible,” said Dr. Carlson.
The scientists want us to believe creationism can’t be proven — yet, they’ve sold us a bill of goods about evolution all these years and we say, “Where is your proof?”
Stick with the school board, they’ve made a very wise decision for the good of our kids.
Does it make any difference? Yes it does because when you establish a world view, it’s what everybody thinks.
It all goes back to critical thinking. And we need that.