Sunday, August 14, 2005

Good Information

From Hoffmania.

Repost: Our Favorite Website

By popular demand, we're reposting this...

-You go to a newspaper or media site to read a story.
-You get a registration page which asks you a zillion marketing questions.
-You don't want them spamming you.

Go to Enter the URL of the site you're trying to gain access to. BugMeNot will spit out at least one username/email and password you can use at that site.

What can make this better? Glad ya axed. If you use FireFox as your browser (and you really should), you can download a plug-in which, when installed, you right-click on the username field of a registration page, you click "BugMeNot" and in a few seconds, a working username and password will fill in the login.

Who's yer buddy?

Posted Aug 14, 2005 at 09:46 AM L.A.
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