Friday, August 19, 2005

Words, Words, Words

More on the non-maverick McCain from Dr. Atta Turk.

But the best quote is one that Digby found from Bush's Biatch John McCain:

We didn’t have to get into Kosovo. Once we stumbled into it, we had to win it. This administration has conducted a feckless photo-op foreign policy for which we will pay a very heavy price in American blood and treasure.

Kosovo: Cost in American Blood - ZERO; Cost in American Treasure - Including occupation expenses perhaps as much as $20 billion since 1999.

Iraq: Cost in American Blood 1,858 deaths, more than 10,000 seriously wounded; Cost in American Treasure - Tracking to more than $300 Billion since late 2002.

These are not the words of a leader, or even of a truthful human being.

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