Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Good Post

You know, I, too, am glad the wingnuts have finally pointed out why I am against this awful war in Iraq. From the post:

None of us - NONE of us - were against the Iraq war because:

* There was no proof of WMDs.
* Over a hundred thousand Iraq citizens would be killed.
* Our troops were needed in Afghanistan.
* Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
* Our collective conscience felt we were going to make the world more dangerous.
* The White House had ZERO exit strategy.
* The White House was wrongly convinced of "flowers and chocolates."
* Greater human atrocities were being executed in non-oil-rich countries.
* We knew a balsa wood airplane couldn't reach the U.S. in 45 minutes.
* Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

No. We're against the war because of our EGOS. How insightful.

Hoffmania!: Simple People are Happy People

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