Saturday, August 27, 2005

Good Luck

My thoughts are with the people I know in New Orleans. Hope this isn't the BIG ONE. I'll bet Bu$hCo & Mary Landrieu hope it isn't either, since they have done nothing to protect this great city. If it is the big one, I'll know where to look for the blood. Hope it was worth it Mary.

Hurricane KATRINA Public Advisory


Anonymous said...

Just wondering. Is there anything wrong in the USA that isn't Bush's fault?

coldH2O said...

Not much Curtis. All you need to do is watch what he does/doesn't do. BTW, you need to tell me one thing he's done correctly. You will not be able to name one thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to argue. I was just trying to get your attention because I see you have included items from my County newspaper and I enjoyed your remarks very much. I'm as much a critic of the editor as you are of Bush. I'll try real hard to come up with something Bush has done correctly. Love your blog.

coldH2O said...

Sorry, Curis, I'm just getting so frustrated by the direction BushCo is taking this country. It's not what I imagined the country would look like as I approach retirement. BTW, I started reading your local paper out of boredom & discovered that dread-locked kid who has drunk the ReThug kool-aid & the columnist who, well, I think you know. I always enjoys local police reports, although the Granstsburg descriptions are at the top. I'm glad you like the blog, spread the word. I will talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

If a person were to Google "Byron Higgin" the first link they would see is
The link leads to a good story. I hope you get bored enough to check it out sometime and tell me what you think.
Still working on that Bush thing.

coldH2O said...

Did it. Will post on it later. Thanks for the link.