Friday, August 11, 2006

NOLA Still Suffering

I know that presidentin' is hard work, but there has been absolutely no hard work by this loser in terms of fixing New Orleans.
McCusker, a photographer who was part of The Times-Picayune's 2006 Pulitzer Prize-winning staff, was driving wildly through the city Tuesday, attracting the attention of police.

He eventually was arrested, but not before he was subdued with a Taser and an officer fired twice at his vehicle. During the melee, he begged police to kill him. One officer suffered minor injuries.

James Arey, commander of the Police Department's SWAT negotiating team, said he can understand why McCusker seemingly snapped.

"There are all these things you're trying to deal with in your own life -- not enough insurance, family problems, your health problems," said Arey, who already knew McCusker. "And then day in and day out, we get to see the wreckage of our city and people's lives. It's not easy to handle."

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