Now Mr. Shutterwi, see link on right, called me at 11:30 this a.m. to complain about no blogging of The Twins partay, well, as you can see from the previous post, things went FUBAR, but thanks to Mrs. coldH2O & her camera, I did take a few shots, well, 55 to be precise, but I won't bore you with all the pics. Here are the ones I picked. With headings/commentary from yours truly.
Miss Marigny & her birthday dress.

The birthday cupcakes & candles.

Some of the assembled guests. The action in the foreground is an attempt at the Minnesota mind meld.

Two dads/ three babies. One is sort of hidden.

Happy birthday twins.
Were glad everyone made it to your party.
Mix gramps a G&T.
Thanks thanks!! L & M
Such beautiful babies! What a gorgeous family! You are so fortunate!
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