The Justice Department scandal hits home. First, the bogus prosecution of civil servant Georgia L. Thompson, but now we find out the upstanding citizen who wanted more voter fraud prosecutions turns out to be none other than Rick Wiley, who, at the time, was the executive director of the state of Wisconsin GOP/ReThug Party. Just for a refresher on Ms. Thompson's prosecution:
Federal judges Thursday ruled that former state purchasing supervisor Georgia L. Thompson was wrongly convicted of making sure a state travel contract went to a firm linked to Gov. Jim Doyle's re-election campaign and freed her from an Illinois prison.
The three-judge panel in Chicago acted with unusual speed, ruling after oral arguments by Thompson's attorney and the U.S. attorney's office.
During 26 minutes of oral arguments, all three judges assailed the government's case, with Judge Diane Wood saying at one point that "the evidence is beyond thin."
& a bit more on Mr. Wiley:
The state Republican Party went straight to the top in its efforts to make voter fraud an issue in Wisconsin.
Sources tell No Quarter that Rick Wiley, then the executive director of the state GOP, directed a staffer in 2005 to prepare a 30-page report on election abuses in Wisconsin so Wiley could pass it along to a top White House official.
That document, entitled "Fraud in Wisconsin 2004: A Timeline/Summary," turned up last week in the horde of White House and U.S. Justice Department records released by the House Judiciary Committee, which is investigating the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.
"The report was prepared for Karl Rove" said a source with knowledge of the situation. "Rick wanted it so he could give it to Karl Rove."
Again, emphasis added, but Karl Rove's sick mind is behind all of this, as any person with a pulse clearly understands.

#1 on democracy's wish-list.
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