Sunday, January 22, 2006

Beautiful Mind?

Another example of America's educating its young. I wonder if she's blond, I know, I know, a cheap shot.

"Wosik replied, 'It has to go someplace, and that was the best-built facility in the country,' Nevada's state pageant director, Nancy Ames, told the Reno Gazette-Journal.

And if people die?

'We just have to take one for the team,' said contestant Wosik, according to Ames."

I wonder what Terry Tempest Williams thinks?

"But, in fact, federal policy in the 50's dictated the confining of nuclear testing to a ``virtually uninhabited'' section of the country, considering that an adequate safeguard. Six aunts, a grandmother, the author's mother, countless neighbors in the Mormon community in which Williams was raised--all cancer victims- -were some of these ``virtual uninhabitants,'' Williams says."
Via Buzzflash.

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