It gets to a point where asking yourself over & over "Why?" is clearly just blowing in the wind. The fucking head moron is a hateful, vicious person who only cares for his rich white friends. Here's another reason, anonymous commenter, of why all, all, ReThugs are racists. "Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?
"We hear you all the way over here on the other side of the monitor. WHAT objectivity - especially the 'objectivity' in covering the Iraq war and Bush in general? The media's testicles dropped only recently when polls showed America - DESPITE the rah-rah coverage - had enough of Bush's recklessness.
Give credit to Cindy Sheehan and the 'Holy Shit' coverage of Katrina for waking America up to the dark side of the current White House. But to call all previous reporting 'dispassionate' and 'objective' is a joke we're all too familiar with.
Moreover, it looks like the GOP lost Louisiana. The citizens there have to live with Bush's neglect every day that passes."
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