Wolcott has this from Steve Gilliard. Remember anonymous commenter that Blomberg is a ReThug & he's the one who spouted the racist bullshit.
"Roger Toussaint not only got a great deal for his members, but he faced down the city's media without so much as breaking a sweat. The Daily News and Post so miscovered the strike as to be rendered useless to the majority of New Yorkers. They kept looking for a groundswell of anger, when instead, there was a ground swell of support for the union among their public service and priovate industry peers. Did they think Con Ed and Verizon workers were going to turn on their public sector union brothers and sisters?"
What do you know about racism? What could you possibly know about racism? Only an ignorant person would think that racism can be directly tied to political parties rather than an individual's character and beliefs. Believe me, I have run into many self proclaimed liberals who are racist.
Self-proclaimed being the operative notion. Grow up.
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