Friday, July 28, 2006


Via Froomkin we get this quote from Tom Friedman.
"The world hates George Bush more than any U.S. president in my lifetime. He is radioactive -- and so caught up in his own ideological bubble that he is incapable of imagining or forging alternative strategies."
I can't give you the link to the NYT because Friedman & others are behind the paid wall that they put up, but you can pay for the whole thing if you want to. I won't, based on true principle.

From the same Foomkin column we get this from Paul Krugman, another prisoner to the NYT's money. It's about Bu$hCo's rewriting of history.
"First, if the facts fail to support the administration position on an issue -- stem cells, global warming, tax cuts, income inequality, Iraq -- officials refuse to acknowledge the facts. . . .

"Meanwhile, apparatchiks in the media spread disinformation. It's hard to imagine what the world looks like to the large number of Americans who get their news by watching Fox and listening to Rush Limbaugh, but I get a pretty good sense from my mailbag."


pissed off patricia said...

What's not to not like? Everything this administration has touched has turned to shit. And everyone in the world sees it except thirty some per cent of America.

Bush seems to feel if he wishes something that's all it takes and to hell with reality.

Anonymous said...

PS - I can view the NYT, all I had to was register, which I did using an E-mail account I use for such purposes, as some registrations generate spam.