Thursday, May 11, 2006

ReThug Culture Of Corruption - CA Edition

It's getting better. This guy is the Chair of the Appropriations Committee in the House. Boy, these ReThugs seem to be going down in big-time flames. Ha.

Federal prosecutors have begun an investigation into Rep. Jerry Lewis, the Californian who chairs the powerful House Appropriations Committee, government officials and others said, signaling the spread of a San Diego corruption probe.

The U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles has issued subpoenas in an investigation into the relationship between Lewis (R-Redlands) and a Washington lobbyist linked to disgraced former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Rancho Santa Fe), three people familiar with the investigation said.

The investigation is part of an expanding federal probe stemming from Cunningham's conviction for accepting $2.4 million in bribes and favors from defense contractors, according to the three sources.

It is not clear where the investigation is headed or what evidence the government has. But the probe suggests that investigators are looking past Cunningham to other legislators and, perhaps, the "earmarking" system that members of Congress use to allocate funds.

1 comment:

Shutterwi said...

Not fast enough or in big enough balls of flame to suit me.

How about a system where we start at the top and put each one of the repug hawks in jail at a rate equal to our losses in Iraq and for each day they keep us there we add a month to their sentences.

If we had that system we be out tomorrow.

Evil bastards!


Hillary's plan to tie minimum wage to congressional pay increases works for me.

If she can get it passed life will get better for those on minimum wage.

Maybe someone will amend her bill to tie healthcare for everyone to the congressional healthcare plan.

NOW that would be a bill.