Tuesday, December 18, 2007

President Gore, Meet President Kerry

Amy Goodman has an interview with Harvey Wasserman, author of the book What Happened in Ohio: A Documentary Record of Theft and Fraud in the 2004 Election. You, my loyal four readers, ought to go & read the whole thing. Here are a few highlights if you are a ReThug & lowlights if you are a normal person.
I mean, the servers for the computation of the Ohio vote count were in the same basement in Chattanooga, Tennessee that houses servers for the Republican National Committee.
found that every single method of voting, pretty much, except for, you know, marking paper ballots, was corrupted in the 2004 election.
We are guaranteed certain that John Kerry won Ohio in 2004.
in the inner city, people went in, and they hit touch-screen machines, and they pushed “Kerry,” and “Bush” lit up.
ballots disappeared.
But the 2004 election was stolen. There is absolutely no doubt about it. A 6.7% shift in exit polls does not happen by chance. And, you know, so finally, we have irrefutable confirmation that what we were saying was true and that every piece of the puzzle in the Ohio 2004 election was flawed.


1 comment:

Shutterwi said...

So much for the importance of Iowa and New Hampshire