Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Steve Gilliard has it right. Now, will the rest of the media allow this truth to be out there, in the open air?
There is an exhibit of Darwin in the American Museum of National History. I now own a Darwin mug and finger puppet because I'm sick of ignorance masquerading as science. PZ Myers I'm not, but I'm a college educated adult male. I've spent my life dealing with facts. When some wingnut talks about intelligent design, we're talking faith. I have no problem with faith, just don't call it science.

The GOP has gone to the bullshit well one too many times. While Americans die in Iraq, they debate gay marriage. This isn't 2004, 2500 people are dead in Iraq, including many Kansans. People want their kids to come home. Alive, and without brain trauma. People want raises, real raises. They're tired of being scared. And all they hear from the GOP is catering to the crazy people from the church down the road.

Enough is enough. Even in Kansas.
Emphasis added.

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