Friday, November 18, 2005

Piling On Dick Dick

More on Cheney The Impaler by Paul Begala.

BEGALA, on CNN: But they don't need to do this politics of personal destruction, these personal attacks. I think they're incredibly desperate. Look at the optics of this. I don't know if they can put this back up, here. But can we take a look at Dick Cheney, just as someone -- I don't, of course, support him or like him.

But if I did, I would tell him don't go out there, you know, this fat, corpulent guy in a tuxedo standing up there talking about our soliders and then attacking Democrats. It is the worst image for the Republicans that they can imagine. I have no idea why they want Dick Cheney, of all people, to talk about what is dishonest and reprehensible.

Wolf BLITZER: He's the vice president.

BEGALA: But he's also dishonest and reprehensible. He's the most disliked … in America. He's got a favorable rating of 19 percent. We hate Dick Cheney. As a Democrat, I want Dick Cheney on TV in his fat tuxedo every day. It's the worst optic imaginable. Contrast that with Jack Murtha who's tough as a bar of iron.

Via Maru. Emphasis mine.

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