Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rise Up, Or Live A Life Of Quiet desperation

The kid plus 2 sent me this link a while back. I resisted looking at it because, well, I was a bit of a chickenshit about it. I knew I'd be doing what I'm doing right now - shooing the lovely Tipitina from my laptop, my laptop computer & blinking more than usual, eyes as full as New Orleans was, all those months ago. I'm also feeling chills & waves of nerves throughout my body. It's not really a bad feeling, but it will lead up to a rage that I almost cannot contain. All those compassionate fucking conservatives ought to watch it, then tell me all the great things they have done for New Orleans. It's become fashionable in some circles to avoid this sort of thing. To wonder how to replace this with, oh, I don't know, happy thoughts. I want to avoid this rage as well, but I can't ever avoid the truth of what Bu$hCo has done, not only to New Orleans, but to the country, to the world. We cannot pull back into our lives at the expense of letting this son-of-a-bitch continue. But this is not to say you shouldn't fish, plant your gardens, play with your kids or grandkids, say thanks when none is expected, send a birthday card to someone you hardly know, or listen to good music. So, do the right thing & cut & paste the URL that's listed below. I love you all, but RISE UP, you morons.

Here's the video that Springsteen played when he sang City of Ruins at Jazzfest. Powerful. Copy and paste the link into your browser.


1 comment:

Spadoman said...

Thank you for this post. I'll send it on. We must not forget the devastation from these terrible storms and the strife they caused in peoples lives throughout the gulf coast, Florida and all the carribean.