Friday, July 24, 2009

Our Far Flung Correspondent Continues His Corresponding Although I'm A Bit Concerned That Wonderdog Blackie Will Not Be Attending The Picnic

I mean, what's the poor dog going to eat? Maybe Sarah will shoot a moose or something for Blackie. From the comments:
July 23 - received word that Sarah Palin will preside at some sort of picnic as Governor at the Alaska State Fairgrounds in Palmer about five miles down the road tomorrow afternoon.

Yours truly and SO will attend - Wonderdog Blackie will not be attending. We plan to assess Sarah's political situation and get some free stuff (this is a very socialist state).

Will add more tomorrow if Sarah does something interesting.


nonheroicvet said...

Rest assured Mr Creek that we will bring a doggie bag home.

nonheroicvet said...

What to say about Sarah, AKA Bailin' Palin, AKA the Wasilla Wench.

After careful thought and consultation with SO and Blackie the (well fed) Wonderdog we commend Sarah for her effective rebuttal of the mindless expression of how much better off the country would be if a woman were president.

nonheroicvet said...

July 27 Seward;

Score to date:

Pacific ocean - 1

Wonderdog Blackie - 0