Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Dark Ages

This is what we ought to be doing, cool research about all of our beginnings. Instead, we've allowed Bu$hCo to destroy our optimism with a failed Iraq & a failed Afghanistan. To be clear, there have been many actors in this descent into stoooopidity, all ReThugs & many, many, many Democrats, as well as dickhead Ralph Nader. & I realize that there can't be this dumbheaded way of thinking that envisions constant progress, i.e., we'll develop an oil eating bacteria & everything will be fine & we can go on building crappy oil tankers & burning oil & coal 'cause we'll invent a smog eating bird who will then morph into a something to fix that problem over there. The trouble with the Bu$hCo vision of America is that it's all about the size of your bank account, how much you own, not what turns on your mind or your body or the society at large. & MIT will be held accountable for the antennae array, while Scooter Libby walks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES - Ralph Nader's ego has escaped!!!!!