Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Patting Myself On The Back


So I just did a good thing - I made a donation to WWOZ. It's the best radio station in the land. OK, one of the greatest radio stations in the land. & it's from New Orleans. Call 1-800-768-2414 & make a donation.

Their pledge drive is coming to an end & they need an influx of dollars. Do it.

I did it as a pledge for the future, the future of The Twins, Marigny & Lucy.

I hoped The Kid would grow up to be a fish biologist in Montana. She didn't. So now I hope The Twins will grow up to be New Orleanian musicians. If they don't, big deal, whatever they do will be great, just like The Kid. Oh, & the Son-in-law is pretty much OK as well. Good going Dad.


1 comment:

Us said...

your three other loyal readers should know that you can listen to OZ online! the twins heard that station a lot in the hospital. we miss you gramps!