So I was able to hold Lucy Mae this a.m. She's pretty darn cute, but that has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with the Kid & Son-in-Law, who happens to be celebrating his b-day today, a day after his daughters' b-day. That's kind of cool. The twins are doing fine, Maringny is doing better today, her O2 is higher & she can leave the isolette for short times. That's good, since the Kid is freaking & she has to keep her blood pressure down, preenclampsia issues. Back to the baby I was holding: she has this cute way of opening only 1 eye to look at me, probably because two eyes would be too much, given my general too much beard & ugliness. It was way cool. More later.
Congrats to the newly minted granny and gramps. From now on it just gets better and better.
Congrats gramps, cute!
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