that I, too, can take a picture of a flower. First, a volunteer sunflower right next to the house. I am guessing a chickadee probably let the seed(s) fall from its mouth while flitting away from the window.

Next we have some sort of Xmas cactus, Mrs. SideKick, a.k.a., Mrs. Shutterwi, told me the name, but, what with my maximum dosage of Lipitor, I forgot it. Hopefully, her computer will be upgraded & she'll be able to make a comment on this post. Her old, old, old, old, old, old, old, OLD computer won't allow her to make the comment for some reason. I think the reason is the SideKick, a.k.a. Shutterwi, IT guy for a local school just doesn't want to bring his work home. Go figure. Anyway, here are some pics of the cactus.

I don't see any living wages being paid out for this job. Why?
optical illusion my ass! show me a picture of a level on that thing, then we'll talk. and shutterwi, i am shocked at your language!! :-)
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