Just finished up another day at the darling daughter's & the son-in-law's home. Everything hurts, the arthritis is really acting up so I popped a couple of vikes & finally the red alert knee pain is subsiding. A lot was accomplished & here's the evidence. OK, SideKick? & no more effing birds, insects, or flowers - but pics of you lifting up some furniture for R & D.
The room, note the cement up the walls between the studs.

Here's an example of what we found under the plaster & lathe. I'm no journeyman carpenter, but this was hard to believe. Note: the roof rafters are 24 inches on center, the ceiling joists, as they are, have 16 inch centers.

Another example of 1x4s (reused fir flooring) holding up a ceiling.

Maybe the goofy carpentry was the result of this, one of two bottles found in the insulation behind the lath.

Good job documenting the progress....But I see no evidence of any physical labor on the part of coldh20.
As we both know depressing the camera shutter does not count.
Now I'm willing to overlook that fact as I recognize that it's hard to be on both sides on the camera lens at the same time.
That being said I'm sure R & D can attest to the physical labor performed by shutterwi. But sadly no pictures will be forth coming.
I think I saw a drop of sweat running down the lens in one of the pictures.
Cool find, the bottles!
after a lousy day at work, i am about ready to take a hammer to my walls in hope that i might find a half full bottle or two...
the remodelling looks extensive. i can't wait to see the finished product.
all the best-
the long lost luke!! inquiring minds want to know everything. i have lost your email so you have to email me.
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