They also own a 2-bedroom cabin in Iron River. That house is valued at $229,000.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
More On Sean Duffy Singing The Finacial Blues
JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg
JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg
JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg
JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg JoAnne Kloppenburg
FitzWalkerstan In Action
Sean Duffy, It's A Sean Duffy Fucking Marathon, A Nanny(!) & A Summer Home In Iron River, Wisco
Duffy's salary is indeed about three times Wisconsin s (and the national) median income. What s more, Wisconsin s unemployment rate is 7.4 percent statewide and 8.2 percent in Wausau, a city Duffy represents. But if Duffy wants to start getting real and relieve some of that financial burden, he could sell that second home in Iron River, WI he owns.
Poor Poor Pitiable Sean Duffy - Part Un
Poor Poor Pitiable Sean Duffy - Part Deux
Hey all you Starbucks Baristas! You burger flippers! You cleaning ladies!Things could be worse.You could be me, Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, and have the shittiest, lowest paying McJob with benefits that suck.You could be a member of Congress, like me.So my life totally rocks, right? I’m a big deal TV star from Real World: Boston and a champion lumberjack and everyone loves me. I get to keep coming back on Real World and getting more famous, and I landed that really hot Rachel babe from Real World: LA, and we settled down and started making babies like a motherfucker. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I love big families. I have ten brothers and sisters myself and everyone has to wear name-tags at Thanksgiving.So then this old dude in Wisconsin gets appointed to the state Supreme Court and the Governor appoints me to this sweet gig as a DA in Ashland County. Pay’s good, benefits are great, and Rachel keeps popping out babies. And get this: no one even bothers running against me and I cruise to re-election four times!
Sean Duffy - What A Poor Excuse For A Human Being
I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt than all of you. With 6 kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I'm living high on the hog, I've got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now. Would it be easier for me if I get more paychecks? Maybe, but at this point I'm not living high on the hog.
Stupid ReThugs try to bury Sean's whining about how hard it is to live on $174,000 a year plus benefits & a nanny. The link has a short video of Sean complaining about his salary.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
J.B. Van Hollen Is Still Protecting His Cronies
Creepy DA won't be charged for harassing women. Nice work J.B., now get back to work for the ReThuglican Party, since you can't do your job as all of Wisco's lawyer. Twit.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You My Loyal 5 (Yes, Five!) Readers
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Koch Reach
Our friends to the north have their own Koch problem. Seems like addiction & Koch & oil is the menage a trois we really don't need.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
We Are No Longer What We Claim We Are & Everyone Knows It
the highest poverty rate, both generally and for children
the greatest inequality of incomes;
the smallest amount of government spending (as a percentage of GDP) on social programs for the disadvantaged;
the lowest number of paid holidays, annual leave days and maternity leave days;
the lowest score on the UN's index of material well-being of children;
the worst score on the UN's gender inequality index;
the lowest social mobility (i.e. in America, more members of the lower and middle class remain stuck in that class than ever before);
the highest public and private expenditure on health care (as a portion of GDP), and yet accompanied by:
-the highest infant mortality rate
-the greatest prevalence of mental health problems
-the highest obesity rate
-the largest percentage of people going without health care due to cost
-the greatest number of low birth weight children per capita
-the greatest consumption of anti-depressants per capita
-the shortest life expectancy at birth (except for Portugal)
My emphases. These facts make it difficult to be proud of America.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Leonard Weinglass, R.I.P.
Our Friends To The North Do The Right Thing
I, For One Will Miss Bob Herbert & With The Departure Of Frank Rich The Outrageous Online Fee To Read The Times Is Even Less Attractive, & It Wasn't Attractive In The First Place
So here we are pouring shiploads of cash into yet another war, this time in Libya, while simultaneously demolishing school budgets, closing libraries, laying off teachers and police officers, and generally letting the bottom fall out of the quality of life here at home.
The U.S. has not just misplaced its priorities. When the most powerful country ever to inhabit the earth finds it so easy to plunge into the horror of warfare but almost impossible to find adequate work for its people or to properly educate its young, it has lost its way entirely.
There is plenty of economic activity in the U.S., and plenty of wealth. But like greedy children, the folks at the top are seizing virtually all the marbles. Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. have reached stages that would make the third world blush. As the Economic Policy Institute has reported, the richest 10 percent of Americans received an unconscionable 100 percent of the average income growth in the years 2000 to 2007, the most recent extended period of economic expansion.
Americans behave as if this is somehow normal or acceptable.*
*****The current maldistribution of wealth is also scandalous. In 2009, the richest 5 percent claimed 63.5 percent of the nation’s wealth. The overwhelming majority, the bottom 80 percent, collectively held just 12.8 percent.
*****A stark example of the fundamental unfairness that is now so widespread was in The New York Times on Friday under the headline: “G.E.’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether.” Despite profits of $14.2 billion — $5.1 billion from its operations in the United States — General Electric did not have to pay any U.S. taxes last year.
Friday, March 25, 2011
FitzWalkerStan, FitzWalkerStan, I Hardly Know What To Say, But FitzWalkerStan
Banana republic is a pejorative term that refers to a politically unstable country dependent upon limited agriculture (e.g. bananas), and ruled by a small, self-elected, wealthy, corrupt politico-economic plutocracy or oligarchy.
Absurdistan is a term sometimes used to satirically describe a country in which absurdity is the norm, especially in its public authorities and government.

100 Years Ago - Why We Need Unions
Via The Progressive. This link takes you to a page with info on subscribing to The Progressive. You should do it, OK?
JoAnn Kloppenburg For Wisco Supreme Court
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Randy "Randy" Hopper's Story Just Keeps Getting Better & Better - i.e., He May Have To Resign
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Prosser Is Walker - Vote Kloppenburg
Even though judges should be impartial, a Prosser press release promised that he would act as a "complement" to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the Republican legislature. When his top aide was asked to explain his statement since judges are supposed to be independent, he said Prosser's ideology "closely mirrors" Walker's. Not surprisingly, when Prosser and Walker served in the state legislature together, David Prosser and Scott Walker voted the same way 95% of the time.*****
What a guy, eh? My emphases. Lawrence fucking Welk? That's grounds for imprisonment in my book, eh?Prosser refused to prosecute a Wisconsin priest even though he had evidence that the priest had sexually assaulted three boys. As a local DA, Prosser didn't interview the priest or have the police investigate. Instead, Prosser met with the local bishop and they agreed to send the priest to another parish to prevent the church embarrassment. Prosser even told the victims' mother that he didn't want to prosecute the case because the priest's brother was a "celebrity" because he appeared on the Lawrence Welk TV show. The priest abused more victims for years, but was eventually convicted in the original case that Prosser refused to prosecute.
Scott Walker's World Includes Lawyers Who File Appeals For Clients That They Haven't Even Talked With
But when Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen's Department of Justice launched an effort to appeal Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi's order blocking publication of Gov. Scott Walker's anti-union law, the state lawyers did not even discuss the matter with the supposed "petitioner" in their action.Van Hollen's lawyers claimed in their filings to be representing Secretary of State Doug La Follette. The "Petition for Leave to Appeal" filed by the Department of Justice lawyers concludes with the words "Secretary La Follette respectfully requests ... an ex parte order granting temporary relief from the TRO entered by Judge Sumi on March 18, 2011."*****The attorney general and his minions are acting as politicians, not lawyers.
Gogebic Taconite - Lousy News, Lousy Plan
That permit - and a second one by a company two weeks ago that is interested in gold mining in Marathon County - represent the first such approvals in about a dozen years, the DNR said.
JoAnne Kloppenburg For Supreme Court
In a further sign of acrimony on the state's highest court, Supreme Court Justice David Prosser said Monday that discord among the seven justices would dissipate with his election next month because some of his fellow jurists don't want him re-elected.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Crap, Spring Is Here, Yeah, Right
Update; Sen,. Randy "Randy!" Hopper & His Girl Friend

British Columbia
Good article about Wisco's name change to FitzWalkerStan.
No, the real problem is not the public sector. It's about growing income inequality between the richest and poorest in our province, and about tax fairness -- or rather lack thereof.
Carlton County, MN, Central Labor Body Passed A Great Resolution
Carlton County Labor Body resolution on Wisconsin:March 7, 2011
Whereas: Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has proposed a “budget repair” bill that will cut the wages and benefits of public employees, and restrict the right of collective bargaining for certain public employee bargaining units.
Whereas: Wisconsin public employee union leaders have consistently conceded to the monetary demands of the bill, but insist they must be permitted to retain the right of collective bargaining. Governor Walker has refused to negotiate, leading any reasonable human being to conclude that the budget repair bill has absolutely nothing to do with the financial shape of the State Of Wisconsin, and is rather, designed to cripple in numerous ways, the efforts of regular working people to retain a living wage and a just standard of living.
Whereas: Section 44 of the bill, also provides for public assets such as power plants to be sold off in secret “no-bid” contracts, potentially rewarding corporate contributors to the political party in power.
Whereas: Section 49 of the bill provides for the removal of people from the medical assistance program and would give the Secretary of the Department of Health Services emergency rulemaking authority to circumvent existing state laws on BadgerCare;
Whereas: The only successful strategy in delaying a vote on this bill has been for 14 Wisconsin State Senators to flee the senate, denying the necessary quorum.
If only one of these Senators returns, a vote on this devastating bill will be held.
Whereas: Regardless of union affiliation, tens of thousands of Wisconsinites, their families, and supporters have converged daily for three weeks on the Wisconsin State Capitol to protest the bill. These demonstrations have largely been ignored, trivialized, and even demonized by the corporate “for profit” news media.
Whereas: Governor Walker, frustrated with his own losing strategy and inability to force a vote on this issue has resorted to childlike and improper schemes to lure the 14 Senators back, has finally crossed the line with a plan to layoff thousands of public employees. In response to all of the abuses and threats, the South Central Federation of Labor has urged for preparations for a public employee general strike!
Therefore, let it be resolved: The Carlton County Central Labor Body, of Minnesota, with jurisdiction in two MN counties bordering Wisconsin, comprised of men and women with a proud tradition of Solidarity and resisting social injustice do hereby:
Condemn the Wisconsin “budget repair” bill as a fascist tool to increase the severity of wealth disparity between the economic classes. (make the rich richer, and the poor poorer)
Proclaim Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his majority party leadership to be union busting stooges of the financial elite.
Urge Wisconsin voters to recall Governor Walker, recall WI State Senators Sheila Harsdorf, Randy Hopper, Mary Lazich, Alberta Darling, Luther Olsen, Glenn Grothman, Dan Kapanke, and Robert Cowles.
Advise every working family in the upper Midwest that if this bill passes it will have a negative impact on their standard of living, regardless of union affiliation or the state they reside in. The passage of this bill in Wisconsin will encourage similar philosophy and legislation in neighboring states.
Proclaim the 14 Wisconsin State Senators who have now been away from their homes for almost 3 weeks to be American Working Class Heroes.
Urge that every poor and middle class person, and every union local, prepare to come to the aid of striking workers with any or all material and or moral support they can garner, should a general strike in Wisconsin occur.
Resistance is not futile !
In Solidarity,
Mike Kuitu, PresidentCarlton County (MN) Central Labor Body
More Sports: Wisco Women Win NCAA Championship
FitzWalkerStan Gives People Jobs
But who exactly recommended her for the post?
Cullen Werwie, spokesman for the governor, confirmed that it was Keith Gilkes, Walker's chief of staff.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Nice Photos Of Florida Panthers, NOT
Give Peace A Chance?
My emphasis.The chairman of the 10-member bipartisan board for the past seven years is J. Robinson West, a Bush appointee who served in the Reagan administration as an assistant secretary of the interior in charge of offshore oil policies and before that as a deputy assistant secretary of defense for international economic affairs. In 1984, he founded the PFC Energy company. Little in his professional background suggests either a competency in peacemaking or ties to the American peace movement. The vice chairman is George Moose, a former ambassador posted by the Reagan administration to Benin and Senegal.With occasional exceptions — I have in mind Kerry Kennedy — presidential appointments to the institute’s board serve as a homogenized dumping ground for academics, corporate executives, Republican or Democratic party loyalists, and others of the well-paid and seemly mannered with no reputations as boundary-pushers. They have little hands-on experience in peace education or peace training, much less sweaty antiwar activism. They are more suited for patronage appointments to harmless presidential commissions, if their yens to be seen as players can’t be controlled.Over the years, I can’t recall any pacifists from the War Resisters League, the Catholic Worker, the Washington Peace Center or — horrors! — the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee being given a seat on the board.
As California Goes, So Goes The Country?
Let's hope not.
On Thursday, as the notices were being handed out, one maintenance worker committed suicide by jumping from the city hall roof.
Sweet Sixteen (Remember, It's March)
Elect JoAnn Kloppenburg
"In the context of this, I said, 'You are a total bitch,' " Prosser said.******"In a fit of temper, you were screaming at the chief; calling her a 'bitch,' threatening her with '. . . I will destroy you'; and describing the means of destruction as a war against her 'and it won't be a ground war,' " Bradley wrote in a Feb. 18, 2010, e-mail to Prosser and others
"In my view, a necessary step to address the dysfunction is to end these abusive temper tantrums. No one brought in from the outside is going to cure this aspect of the dysfunction."
Friday, March 18, 2011
Good News In FitzWalkerStan
Judge Maryann Sumi issued a temporary restraining order that stops the publication of the odious law signed by the moron Walker that basically destroys most of the great things about Wisco. Good for her. I would like to know, however, just what the last paragraph of this story has to do with the story? Here it is:
Judge Sumi was first appointed to the court in 1998 by Tommy Thompson, a Republican former governor, then elected in 1999 and 2005. Judicial elections are nonpartisan in Wisconsin.
If anyone can explain this to me, I'd really appreciate it.
------------------------------------- PACs, $5000 or more: ------------------------------------- ABCPAC-WIS AT&T Wisconsin Employee PAC (formerly SBC) Building a Better WI/Wisconsin Builders Association Concerned Realtors Committee Deere & Company PAC - WI Eli Lilly and Company PAC FONEPAC Telecommunications & Computers Friends of Alberta Darling Friends & Neighbors of Robin Vos HNTB Holdings Ltd PAC KochPAC Natural Resources Managed Health Services/Centene PAC Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance People for Rebecca Kleefisch Realtors PAC Republican Party Milwaukee Co Republican Party of Wisconsin Tavern Industry PAC (Drink at home, make your own beer, wine, root beer, ed.) TDS TelecomWal-Mart Stores/WAL-PAC (Well, you know what to do here, ed.) WellPAC Wellpoint IncWI Credit Union League Action Fund (WCULAF) (Very disappointing. Very disappointing, ed.) WI Dental PAC (WIDPAC) (I'm going to let my dentist know what I think of this, so should you. Hopefully they won't poke you "inadvertently" while pulling the wrong tooth, ed.) WI Insurance Alliance PACWI Pipe Trades PAC ----------------------------------------------------- Employers of Contributors of $5000 or more ----------------------------------------------------- ABC Supply Co Agrecol Corp Allen Edmonds Shoes AMK Concepts & Services Anew Health Care Services Inc AO Smith Corp Apache Stainless Steel Artisan Partners Atlantic DQ Audio Implements/GKC Badger Meter Baraboo Growth Bevco Ergonomic Seating Blomquist Benefits Consulting Boerke Co Inc Bradley Foundation Brian Retzlaff Trucking Briggs & Stratton Burke Properties Burlington Northern Santa Fe... Call Solutions Campbell Wrapper Corp Carpenter CD Smith Construction Chambers & Owen Charro Restaurante Charter Manufacturing Church Mutual Insurance Cobalt Partners LLC Commonwealth Development Corp... Continental Properties Co Inc County Concrete Couri Insurance Agency Custom Pak Products EBY-Brown Co Einhorn Associates Emergency Medicine Specialists Endeavors Group Fabco Equipment Inc (OK, loggers, let them know up in Superior. ed.) Fashion Angels EnterprisesFeather Larson & Synhorst... Fiduciary Management First American Funding Fisher Barton Inc Glenora Co GMR Marketing Gogebic Taconite LLC (All I can say about this is: over my dead body, I know, it's easy for me to say since I'm a geezer, but what the hell, ed.) Gold Leaf DevelopmentHal Leonard Publishing Hammes Co Harris Associates Hay Creek Pallett Heartland Advisors Hexagon Investments High Crossing Development Corp Holton Brothers Construction Horton Group Hovde Financial Hy Cite Corp I-Robot Iconica Inpro Corp Insight Industries Irgens Development Partners Johnson Controls Johnsonville Foods (No more of their awful brats. ed.) JSD Professional Services IncKapur & Associates KBS Construction Koss Corp Krier Foods Kwik Trip (There are better gas stations, I think, & better coffee too, ed.) Lorman Education Services Lubar & Co M&I Bank (I wonder if their new Canadian owners will do the same stupid shit? Find another bank to finance your car, a local bank if possible, ed.) Meissner, Tierney, et alMichels Corp Midwest Neurosurgical Milksource MillerCoors (Lousy beer anyway. Drink small, ed.) Minnesota Wild (If this is the hockey team, I'm really pissed, ed.) MJ Construction IncMorrison Creek Cranberry Nicholas Company Inc Nova Surgical LLC Orthopaedic Associates of... PACUR Panduit Corp Paper Machinery Corp Payne & Dolan Pinstripe Inc Plastic Surgery Group Prent Corp Promotions Unlimited RCI FirstPathway Partners Richardson Industries Rite Hite Corp Roehl Transport Salomon Smith Barney Sargento Inc (No more snacks, people, ed.) Schneider NationalSchool choice Sendik's Food Market (Balistreri-owned stores) Shannon Sales Inc SIG Financial Holdings Specialty Underwriters St John Properties Inc Standard Process Laboratories Stark Investments Super Steel Products Tamarack Petroleum Co Tankcraft Corp ThedaCare Tries & Rice Uihlein Wilson Architects US Counseling Service US Oil Co V Duane Rath Foundation Wausau Homes Wausau Paper West Allis Salvage West Bend Clinic Zenith Tech ---------------------------- WMC Board ---------------------------- Ariens Company, Brillion Daniel T. Ariens, President & CEO Aspirus Wausau Hospital, Wausau Diane S. Postler-Slattery, Ph.D., President & COO; SVP of Quality and Extended Services Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc., Arcadia Todd Wanek, President & CEO Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, Madison Timothy L. Christen, Chairman & CEO Belmark Inc., DePere Karl A. Schmidt, President & CEO Bliss Communications, Janesville Sidney H. Bliss, President & CEO Briggs & Stratton Corporation, Wauwatosa Todd J. Teske, Chairman, President & CEO C. G. Bretting Manufacturing Co., Inc., Ashland David H. Bretting, President & CEO (Not surprising, Ashland neanderthal, ed.) Charter Manufacturing Company, Inc., Mequon John A. Mellowes, Chairman & CEO Citizens Community Federal, Eau Claire Edward H. Schaefer, CEO Columbia St. Mary’s Inc., Milwaukee Leo P. Brideau, President & CEO ConAgra Foods, Menomonie William J. Butsic, Plant Manager John Deere Horicon Works, Horicon Curtis L. Hoppestad, Global Director, Riding Lawn Equipment Georgia-Pacific, Green Bay Kelly L. Wolff, Vice President Manufacturing, Green Bay Gundersen Lutheran Health System, La Crosse Jeff Thompson, M.D., CEO Humana, Inc., Waukesha Larry Rambo, Senior Executive for Strategic Partnerships InSinkErator Division, Emerson Electric Co., Racine Jerry G. Ryder, President Integrys Energy Group, Green Bay Charles A. Schrock, Chairman, President & CEO Kohler Company, Kohler Laura E. Kohler, Sr. Vice President/HR (Find other bathrooms fixtures for christ's sake, ed.) Kolbe & Kolbe Millwork Company, Inc., Wausau Michael W. Salsieder, President & General Counsel (There are better windows out there, ed.) Lakeside Foods, Inc., Manitowoc David Yanda, President & CEO The Manitowoc Company, Inc., Manitowoc Glen E. Tellock, Chairman, President & CEO Marshall & Ilsley Corporation, Milwaukee Mark F. Furlong, Chairman, President & CEO Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield Reed E. Hall, Executive Director (Retired) (Time to find a better place to take care of your heart, etc., ed.) Mayville Engineering Company, Inc., Mayville Robert D. Kamphuis, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO Mead & Hunt, Inc., Madison Rajan Sheth, Chairman, President & CEO Menard, Inc., Eau Claire J. R. Menard, Executive Vice President & Treasurer (The hell with Maynards, anyway, ed.) Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Madison Tod B. Linstroth, Sr. Partner & Past Chair and Member of Management Committee Middleton Chamber of Commerce, Middleton Van W. Nutt, Executive Director Modine Manufacturing Company, Racine Thomas A. Burke, President & CEO Northern States Power Company - Wisconsin An Xcel Energy Company, Eau Claire Michael L. Swenson, President & CEO Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, Oshkosh John Casper, President & CEO Palmer Johnson Enterprises, Inc., Sturgeon Bay William C. Parsons, President Prent Corporation, Janesville Joseph T. Pregont, President & CEO Quad/Graphics, Sussex Joel Quadracci, Chairman, President & CEO Quarles & Brady LLP, Milwaukee James D. Friedman, Senior Partner Seneca Foods Corporation, Janesville Paul Palmby, Executive Vice President & COO Sentry Insurance, Stevens Point Pete McPartland, President & COO Serigraph Inc., West Bend John B. Torinus Jr., Chairman Snap-on Incorporated, Kenosha Nicholas T. Pinchuk, Chairman, President & CEO (There are probably better tools out there as well, time to tell the truck driver what you think, ed.) Teel Plastics, Inc., Baraboo Jay L. Smith, Chairman & CEO University Research Park, Inc., Madison Mark D. Bugher, Director Wausau Paper Corp., Mosinee Thomas J. Howatt, President & CEO Wells Fargo Bank Wisconsin, Milwaukee Michael Kogelis, Community Banking President Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, Madison James S. Haney, President & CEO (read less) ------------------------------------- PACs, $5000 or more: ------------------------------------- ABCPAC-WIS AT&T Wisconsin Employee PAC (formerly SBC) Building a Better WI/Wisconsin Builders Association Concerned Realtors Committee Deere & Company PAC - WI Eli Lilly and Company PAC FONEPAC Telecommunications & Computers Friends of Alberta Darling Friends & Neighbors of Robin Vos HNTB Holdings Ltd PAC KochPAC Natural Resources Managed Health Services/Centene PAC Northwestern Mutual Life... (read more) | |
Mission | To bring economic woe to companies that support Scott Walker, and therefore his anti-worker, anti-education and anti-progress politics. |
Products | Unfiltered individual contributions: |
So Much For Scott Walker & His ReThug Minions Bullshit About How Unions Are Destroying Wisco

Put another way, the ratio of business to labor union contributions for all candidates was $12 to $1.*****The ratio of business to organized labor contributions for Republican candidates was $104 to $1.
Table 3
Business And Labor Contributions
To Democratic Statewide And Legislative Candidates
Election CycleBusiness
And % Of
Total ContributionsLabor
And % Of
Total ContributionsOther Interest Group
And % Of
Total ContributionsBusiness-
Contribution Ratio2009-10* $7,456,418 (65%) $1,322,533 (12%) $2,666,985 (23%) $6 to $1 2007-08 $5,747,665 (65%) $1,002,403 (12%) $2,036,995 (23%) $6 to $1 2005-06 $8,443,918 (65%) $1,283,228 (10%) $3,214,059 (25%) $7 to $1 2003-04 $4,598,154 (68%) $825,982 (12%) $1,338,993 (20%) $6 to $1 2001-02 $7,498,631 (61%) $1,715,268 (14%) $3,140,598 (25%) $4 to $1 1999-00 $2,309,205 (63%) $363,413 (10%) $969,212 (27%) $6 to $1 TOTALS $36,053,991
(24%)$6 to $1
*Figures represent contributions through October 18, 2010 , not the entire year or campaign
Welcome Scotty, To Your Own Worst Nightmare
Nothing But Bad News From Japan
& it appears to be getting worse. I just do not believe that we have the technology to build these "atom bombs" so that they can withstand big-time natural phenomena, like a 9.0 earthquake with the followup tsunami. It's past the time to let the oil stay in the ground, to keep the coal on top of the mountains, & let the gas power our kitchen stoves. It's been a long time since Jimmy Carter & his plea for more money & research into alternative energy sources. The billionaire oilmen who met with Dick "Dick" Cheney* saw to it that alternative energy was something dirty, fucking hippies wanted & therefore it was beneath contempt. Oil, baby, oil. Drill, baby, drill. Pollute, baby, pollute. Kill, baby, kill. Burn, baby, burn.
A breach in the pool would leave engineers with a problem that has no precedent or ready-made solution, said Edwin Lyman, a physicist with the Union of Concerned Scientists.
"My intuition is that this is a terrible situation and it is only going to get worse," he said. "There may not be any way to deal with it."
The struggle to cool down stricken nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools in northern Japan entered a second week Friday, with fluctuating radiation levels and blustery winds hampering efforts to douse the most damaged installations with water from military helicopters and firetrucks with high-powered hoses.
*I apologize for mentioning Deadeye Dick in two posts this morning. Living in FitzWalkerStan has apparently put me in the past, or something.
Sargeant Was Probably Part Of Dick "Dick" Cheney's Private Energy Meetings
You remember, the meetings that supposedly set energy policy for us peons. Nothing will happen to this billionaire bastard, however, because he's a billionaire. That's what this country has become - a billionaire's paradise. They have all the money, all the power, & zero responsibility for anything.
More FitzWalkerStan News
Walker enhances his dictatorial powers to the detriment of the state of Wisco. The fail keeps failing. Thankfully, my daughter, son-in-law & The Babies don't live in this state. Once we had great dreams, now, not so much. Walter John Chilsen, Warren Knowles, or Bob Holmes where are you when we need you?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
This Is One Area, Among Many, Where The New ReThug Party Will Have To Make A Choice
Keep up the stupid lemming-like run over the fake deficit problem, or actually give a crap about people. The fact is that everyone in the country should have the same helath care benefits as veterans have, after all, we are all contributors to the country's greatness, right? I do not begrudge the verterans their benefits, but they must also share the pain the ReThugs claim we all must share. If the veterans are singled out as a protected class, well, a lot of dipstick conservative's heads will begin to explode, if you get my drift.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Just Great
Japan faced the likelihood of a catastrophic nuclear accident Tuesday morning, as an explosion at the most crippled of three reactors at the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Station damaged its crucial steel containment structure, emergency workers were withdrawn from the plant, and much larger emissions of radioactive materials appeared imminent, according to official statements and industry executives informed about the developments.
Owsley "Bear" Stanley, R.I.P.
He's dead.
He's right, he should have been rewarded. Yes, it's true, what a long strange trip it's been.
This Is Interesting & May Be An Easy Recall
Protesters who marched at the home of Wisconsin state senator Randy Hopper (R-Fond du Lac) were met with something of a surprise on Saturday. Mrs. Hopper appeared at the door and informed them that Sen. Hopper was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, WI with his 25-year-old mistress.
FitzWalkerStan Indeed
Sen. Fitzgerald: Email re: Senate Democrat voting privileges in standing committees3/14/2011
From: Sen.FitzgeraldSent: Monday, March 14, 2011 3:52 PMTo: *Legislative Senate RepublicansSubject: Senate Democrat voting privileges in standing committees
Dear Members,
With the return of the Senate Democrats this weekend, questions have arisen regarding Democrat members’ participation in Senate standing committee public hearings and executive sessions.
Please note that all 14 Democrat senators are still in contempt of the Senate. Therefore, when taking roll call votes on amendments and bills during executive sessions, Senate Democrats’ votes will not be reflected in the Records of Committee Proceedings or the Senate Journal. They are free to attend hearings, listen to testimony, debate legislation, introduce amendments, and cast votes to signal their support/opposition, but those votes will not count, and will not be recorded.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office.
Thank you,
Scott FitzgeraldSenate Majority Leader13th Senate District