Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Post I Wish I Could Have Written

And why, in the name of all that is holy, are they talking to G. Fucking Gordon Fucking Liddy about what he thinks? Attention all: That asshat is a convicted felon.
And that's what's wrong with our elite press in a nutshell. When you don't have any information about a topic, keep your fucking mouth shut. Your opinion in such a case is worthless.
In other dumb-ass news, George Bush is still President, and, since these people can't go five minutes without being total dicks, he's deciderated to implement a "conscience clause" by executive fiat. Of course, this is just cover for religious nuts to deny women reproductive health services. And we're not only talking about abortions here--these fools can now get away with refusing to dispense birth control because they (doctors or pharmacists) don't approve of it. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? If you have a moral objection to dispensing certain medicines, don't become a pharmacist. It's not like your choices are:

1. Be a pharmacist
2. Homelessness

See, all the jobs I've ever held, if I refused to do some of the work because I "didn't believe in it," I'd have gotten fired. And with good cause. You know what I'm waiting for? A Muslim doctor refusing to treat a cirrhosis patient, because the Qu'ran says we should avoid alcohol. That'd go over like a fart in church, wouldn't it? I know these fundie assholes are short-sighted, but don't they understand anything about unintended consequences? When you open the door for people to refuse their professional obligations based on personal beliefs, you destroy the very concept of professionalism. Or, as Chief Lyman used to say, "You fuckers don't have to like it, but you do have to do it."
Which anyone with three functioning neurons can tell you.

Go read the whole thing, I didn't cut & paste all of it, OK? My emphasis.


Joseph said...

In the absence of a conscience clause, the state could compel even pharmacists who owned their own businesses to sell abortifacients.

coldH2O said...

That would be a good thing, don't you agree? This whole notion that we can pick & choose which laws to obey (abortifacients are legal & available to all women) & therefore ought to be sold to anyone with a script from a doc or nurse practioner. As Jude says, if you have this conscience problem don't be a pharmacist. After all, I'll bet these pharmacists who won't provide these products, will sell erectile dysfunction pills to any man who wants them. Erections are pretty essential in the impregnation process, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You are demented. I feel bad for the twisted thoughts that run from your head to your keyboard. Get help. Seriously.

coldH2O said...

Feeling bad for my thoughts? Hmmm, hallucinate much? Time for a medication adjustment, call your doc, right now! Really seriously, man.