Thursday, December 01, 2005

Blog Against Racism

It's blog against racism day, 1 December 2005. In honor of this day, I'm going to post a couple of racist resolutions passed by the 7th Congressional District ReThuglians. It would be remiss of me if I did not mention that Sean Duffy, the District Attorney for Ashland County, WI is the vice-chair of that group, at least that's what it says on their website, which I will not link to, I don't link to persons, places, or things that hate America. Onward. First, actually fifthteenth, is their resolution on gambling. Remember, gambling no longer just takes place in Roman Catholic community rooms anymore. It takes place, in Wisconsin, on Indian reservations. Notice the wild & unsubstantiated assumptions these morons make concerning gambling. I wonder if white people owned the casinos, would their resolution be any different? Just asking.


1. WHEREAS, gambling undermines work ethic, spawns crime, hurts other businesses and costs jobs, increases divorce and child abuse, victimizes youth, while giving rise to suicide and severe mental health problems, and,

2. WHEREAS, gambling is the worst possible model for the poor, being the opposite of thrift, discipline, hard work and ingenuity and,

3. WHEREAS, gambling is supported by those who can least afford it, and,

4. WHEREAS, considering all of the above, gambling is a financial drain on society, and;

5. WHEREAS, in several states, Indian tribes are using gambling revenues to purchase private property and place it in federal trust, taking the property off the tax rolls and creating severe burdens for county government, and

6. WHEREAS, property tax relief from the state lottery has become virtually insignificant, and,

7. WHEREAS, the people of Wisconsin in a referendum ballot expressed opposition to casino gambling,

8. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party of the Seventh Congressional District of Wisconsin, in caucus assembled, demands that the state legislature make all gambling, casinos and state lottery illegal.

Notice WHEREAS #5 - These idiots are moaning about Indian people "buying" land. Let me see, oh, right, they should just steal it like the moral & ethical whites did. My kool-aid is wearing off.

Next, we have the combined brains of the ReThugs resoluting on immigration. Duffy? Duffy? Doesn't sound Native American to me.


1. WHEREAS, in major cities 40 percent of children born to foreigners were on welfare in one year, and;

2. WHEREAS, the recent rush by immigrants (many of whom were long-time residents) to obtain citizenship after welfare benefits were lost demonstrated that many immigrants are not interested in assimilating into the American culture or being productive citizens or even learning the English language, but are simply emigrating here to live of the fats of others, and;

3. WHEREAS, sponsors of immigrants have pledged to support them but have failed to live up to their pledge, in violation of federal law, and;

4. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of the Seventh Congressional District of Wisconsin, in caucus assembled, request elected Republican officials to change the laws so that children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens are not granted automatic citizenship.
Yep, the hell with the children. Plus, we don't want any foreigners living off "the fats of others", just what the hell are the fats of others? Sounds like cannibalism, oh wait, that would be like SueHank Martinsen accepting federal or state money to helps their renters pay the rent. Tisk, tisk. & notice that in their resoluting, they attack churches & church people in WHEREAS #3, since it is well known that churches have been the main sponsors of immigrant peoples. The ReThugs want to throw all of these nice church people in jail because they haven't lived up to their pledge. I wonder if that's the same thing as a pledge that sends a church leader & his family on a nice, free vacation? Just asking.

I believe that the 7th District Republican (you know, ReThuglican) Party is a racist party. That's my story & I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that you are implying that SueHank Martinsen are racists simply b/c they are Republican. You would be dissapointed to know how far from the truth you are. Perhaps you should do a little more factual research when trying to communicate your constant whining.
It's humerous to see how much you really do not know about "real life". But, it's always easier to make unfounded inflammatory remarks than search for and report the truth.