If I don't get my chocolate almond ice cream. The Sorrow of the SideKick may well become chronic.
"Almonds depend entirely on honeybees for pollination, and bee colonies are increasingly being killed or weakened by the parasitic Varroa mite. The pest has developed resistance to chemical treatments that have controlled it successfully since it made its way to California in the mid-1980s."
Great blog! Not a half bad picture wish I had taken it.
But not to worry about the pollination problems the ID wackos have a backup plan in mind.
Pollination biology and the science surrounding it are a plot of the left wing pinkos bloggers.
That puts coldH2O right at the seat of his own self describe problem. Less almonds.
Solution....forget about the Varroa mites go after the bloggers.
Problem solved. ID rationalization at it's best.
You should talk to my dad about this--or the idiots that keep using strictly Italian bees should. By crossing the weaker, nicer Italians with more swarthy, Eastern European bees. These crosses are resistant to Varroa mites. My dad had this problem with his bees a few years ago and he solved it this way.
How are you? Have you seen my NZ pics yet? Some are up already.
Say hi to the Mrs. for me, and hope you're doing well.
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