Friday, August 05, 2005

Hey Hank Martinsen #2

This sweet little post from WTF Is It Now? I always love it when there's a WI connection. I wonder if the man who is quoted is related to Hank Martinsen's son-in-law? It would be excellent if he was.

"Lowest... poll numbers... ever
As horrendous death toll rises in Bush's Folly.

"Approval of Preznit aWol's handling of Iraq is at its lowest level yet, according to a new poll that also found more than half now think he's dishonest.

"Though the Chimp-in-Chief is still seen as "strong and likable" like that nice retarded boy down the street, the lazy, rich idiot's confidence is seen as arrogance by a growing number of people.

"This country is a monarchy," said Charles Nuutinen, a 62-year-old independent from Wis. "He's turning this country into Saudi Arabia. He does what he wants. He doesn't care what the people want."

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