Thursday, June 30, 2011
If Only In America....
Another Reason Why We Need MORE Regulation & Enforcement, Not Less
Two people have already been indicted in the case this spring, according to Melvin Smith, a spokesman for the United States attorney’s office for the Southern District of West Virginia: a foreman, accused of lying on a document and to federal officials, and the former chief of security, accused of lying and concealing documents. Massey managers, including the former chief executive, Don Blankenship, have not been charged, including 18 executives who refused to be interviewed for the federal investigation, invoking their Fifth Amendment rights.
The Deniers Must Be In Their Basements, I'm Looking At You Imhofe, Furiously Typing
According to the 1981-2010 normals to be released by NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) on July 1, temperatures across the United States were on average, approximately 0.5 degree F warmer than the 1971-2000 time period.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Bill Donohue Is One Big Prong Alright
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz
My Fucking Senator Johnson
The Devil At Devil's Lake
A good report of FitzWalkerstan's Dear Leader being booed at Devil's Lake State Park. What a tool!
My Fucking Senator
Ron Johnson (R-Moldy Cheesehead), is about as corrupt as one can get, apparently. I continue to hope the morons that voted for this douchebag over Russ Feingold are happy with eating the shit sandwich that the ReThugs are delivering.
A Comment Worth Reading & A Sports Chain Worth Boycotting
Anonymous nonheroicvet said...
Attended the midwest renewable energy fair in Custer on Friday June 17. It was great, has grown considerably since its early days and is much more mainstream in that the mainstream has caught up with wind, solar, geothermal and other alternative energy pioneered by the fair back when the fair was most likely a communist plot.
We reserved a room in Wausau for Fri night because Point was booked and on the way to our motel we stopped by Gander Mtn to look for some fishing stuff. There were a bunch of protesters by the parking lot but on the city sidewalk and three State Patrol officers standing at the entry to the store and while it seemed a little odd but we went about out business and soon forgot about it.
It wasn't long though and I heard a sound kind of like the clapping and barking of trained seals (Gander's staff). Near the checkout was a small room with some TV cameras, the three State Patrol, at least three city cops and all were focused on Scott Walker who was signing a bill to kill bears or something. I went to the checkout and mentioned to the beaming young lady that her store had a bad smell about it. She stopped beaming and I left. (The finger thing never occurred to me, a once in a lifetime opportunity missed.)
Outside the store were a forlorn looking man and a woman holding the US flag and the Wisconsin and no one else supporting the Walker machine. There were at least two city patrol cars also.
All being serenaded by about 100 protesters who seemed to be having a very good time and also had strong lungs. It was fun.
4:40 PM
Monday, June 27, 2011
Out Of It, I Mean Town
Friday, June 24, 2011
My Fucking Senator
I sure hope all the morons that voted for Johnson are real happy right now, or for that matter, last week, or the month before that.
Johnson's explanation for all this? "It's a private business. I've complied with all the disclosure laws, and I don't have to explain it any further to someone like you," Johnson told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Daniel Bice.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Good For President Gore
For over a decade we have suffered, as a nation, with the initial stolen election. I'm glad Pres.Gore is speaking up, someone has too do it. President Obama had an historic opportunity to reunify, reinvigorate, to make this country something again, instead, he whistled down the dark corridor of "post-partisan" (whatever that means) politics & has just about out-Bu$hCoed, Bu$hCo. It's a sad time.
Sean Duffy, Cruel Idiot
So Duffy gives himself a raise. Was there any local oversight? Hmm, I suppose Duffy's office won't respond until it has time to doctor the report. So ReThuglican.
WARNING! WARNING!! Science Ahead
Interesting study about magnetism that doesn't involve sexual attraction. It also makes me wonder what happens when a person gets a full body MRI.
Dr. Reppert said the focus on human use of the magnetic field for navigation might be misplaced. Following an idea proposed last year by John B. Phillips of Virginia Tech, he said the primary use of magnetic sensing might be for spatial orientation.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
OK My Loyal Five (Yes, 5!) Readers. Time To Exercise Your Fingers, All 50 Of Them
If you like good beer & you can't stomach Walker, sign this.
To ask National Public Radio to be a truly national, public radio, sign this.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
We're An Exceptional Country, Alright - We're So Exceptional That We Just Don't Give A Crap About Poor Children
Wisco High Court A Fixture, Unfortunately, Of FitzWalkerstan
If this is true, this is court corruption at its absolute worst and the people of Wisconsin cannot permit this to stand.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Birds, Birds!, BIRDS!!

FitzWalkerstan Lives!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
No Surprise Here
Rep. Sean Duffy, Doctors Local News Video, Then Refuses To Take It Down
Duffy reveals his true nature - manipulative liar.
Monday, June 13, 2011
America: Home Of The Brave, Land Of The Free?
Not. Thanks again President Obama. I'm sure the FBI will be looking for evidence involving bankers & such.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Sean Duffy Is An Idiot, I Know, I Know, Y'all Already Knew That
DUFFY: I believe that we have in our Constitution the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's what I think our rights are. I want to work to make sure that we have health care that's affordable — that people can actually access. And that's what I'm working for right now.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Rick Santorum Is Patently Absurd
Sorry, People, Roundup Causes Cancer
Key findings:
- Industry (including Monsanto) has known since the 1980s that glyphosate causes malformations in experimental animals at high doses.
- Industry has known since 1993 that these effects could also occur at lower and mid doses
- The German government has known since at least 1998 that glyphosate causes malformations
- The EU Commission’s expert scientific review panel knew in 1999 that glyphosate causes malformations
- The EU Commission has known since 2002 that glyphosate causes malformations. This was the year its DG SANCO division published its final review report, laying out the basis for the current approval of glyphosate.
The report goes into a good deal of technical detail to show how regulators bent over backwards to discount those studies, and make it look like there were no problems with Roundup.Source: Red Green & Blue (
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Here Are A Couple Of Great Songs & Great Performances & Great Musicians
All Along The Watchtower
Written by Bob Dylan
Made famous Jimi Hendrix
Now play be Neil Young & Bruce Soringsteen
I'm almost ready to start the day now, almost.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Lots Of "Tiny" To Go Around
22.3 pounds of happy eating. I knew the Bay of Fundy had huge tides but did not know they had huge lobsters.
Monday, June 06, 2011
News From FitzWalkerstan - Corrupt Election Division
Impact on Wisco Cong. Dist. 7
• Increase prescription drug costs for 6,200 Medicare beneficiaries in the district who enter the Part D donut hole, forcing them to pay an extra $61 million for drugs over the next decade.• Eliminate new preventive care benefits for 125,000 Medicare beneficiaries in the district.
• Deny 480,000 individuals age 54 and younger in the district access to Medicare’s guaranteed benefits.• Increase the out-of-pocket costs of health coverage by over $6,000 per year in 2022 and by almost $12,000 per year in 2032 for the 120,000 individuals in the district who are between the ages of 44 and 54.• Require the 120,000 individuals in the district between the ages of 44 and 54 to save an additional $28.0 billion for their retirement – an average of $182,000 to $287,000 per individual – to pay for the increased cost of health coverage over their lifetimes. Younger residents of the district will have to save even higher amounts to cover their additional medical costs.• Raise the Medicare eligibility age by at least one year to age 66 or more for 64,000 individuals in the district who are age 44 to 49 and by two years to age 67 for 362,000 individuals in the district who are age 43 or younger.
Higher drug cost
Elimination of new preventive care benefits.
& the future, what future
Elimination of Medicare’s guaranteed benefits.
Increased annual costs Increased retirement burden.
Increase the Medicare eligibility age.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
James Arness, R.I.P.

Friday, June 03, 2011
Jesus Christ On Hardtack, Sarah Palin Is The Stupidest Woman In, Let's See, Hmmm, Yes, I Have It, The Whole Fucking World!
“…he who warned the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringin’ those bells and, um, makin’ sure as he’s ridin’ his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free. And we were gonna be armed.”
I Demand More Tax Breaks For The Wealthy So They Can Continue To Create Jobs & Pay People What They Are Worth
The increase in total private-sector wages, adjusted for inflation, from the start of 2001 has fallen far short of any 10-year period since World War II, according to Commerce Department data. In fact, if the data are to be believed, economy wide wage gains have even lagged those in the decade of the Great Depression (adjusted for deflation).
Over the past decade, real private-sector wage growth has scraped bottom at 4%, just below the 5% increase from 1929 to 1939, government data show.
To put that in perspective, since the Great Depression, 10-year gains in real private wages had always exceeded 25% with one exception: the period ended in 1982-83(Reagan's "recession, the beginning of it all, ed.), when the jobless rate spiked above 10% and wage gains briefly decelerated to 16%.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
I'd Suggest Some Really Good Mescaline
The other world to which mescalin admitted me was not the world of visions; it existed out there, in what I could see with my eyes open. The great change was in the realm of objective fact. What had happened to my subjective universe was relatively unimportant.
I took my pill at eleven. An hour and a half later, I was sitting in my study, looking intently at a small glass vase. The vase contained only three flowers " a full-blown Belie of Portugal rose, shell pink with a hint at every petal's base of a hotter, flamier hue; a large magenta and cream-colored carnation; and, pale purple at the end of its broken stalk, the bold heraldic blossom of an iris. Fortuitous and provisional, the little nosegay broke all the rules of traditional good taste. At breakfast that morning I had been struck by the lively dissonance of its colors. But that was no longer the point. I was not looking now at an unusual flower arrangement. I was seeing what Adam had seen on the morning of his creation-the miracle, moment by moment, of naked existence.
"Is it agreeable?" somebody asked. (During this Part of the experiment, all conversations were recorded on a dictating machine, and it has been possible for me to refresh my memory of what was said.)
"Neither agreeable nor disagreeable," I answered. "it just is."