Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Federal Workers Pay Freeze
What a way to reward the people who truly serve the nation. This ill-conceived act fits right into President Obama's strategy for a top-down recovery. Why in the world would a true Democrat institute a pay freeze while apparently allowing the very rich to continue getting their tax breaks that were given to them by Bu$hCo? I guess he's not much of a Democrat. It's time for President Obama switch parties & go caucus with the ReThugs. You can also kiss goodbye the votes of these workers. Again, & it's been asked by a lot of people - WTF was he thinking?
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, I'll Have Another Whiskey Manhattan, Please**
My take on this is that the bees go where they can get enough food to survive. I think it's pretty brave of anyone keeping bees in an urban setting. Good for them. It would be nice, however, if there were enough actual pollen to feed the bees & have them produce normal honey. I wonder if there is a market for cherry honey?
**I'm from Wisco where we drink a lot of brandy, so I also need to ask for whiskey.
Depending on who you’re asking, Wisconsin consumes either the most brandy in the nation, more brandy than all other 49 states combined, or 90 percent of brandy distilled worldwide.
Though each of these claims proves more hearsay than fact, Wisconsin does consume disproportionate amounts of the liquor. For Korbel, a northern California brandy manufacturer, the state is an invaluable market.
Wisconsin is Korbel’s biggest state for sales, purchasing roughly 133,000 crates of Korbel brandy in 2008, accounting for more than one third of the Korbel’s total brandy sales, Korbel’s Midwest Area Manager Mark Winkels says. Wisconsin has been a major market for Korbel over the past 15 to 20 years.
No More Murders In The Name Of The People
We still kill people in the name of all of us by allowing executions that have proven to be in error. Our nation must erase this stain onour claims of liberty, compassion, fairness, & justice. Bob Herbert says it well in this piece. Justice Steven's (the John Paul version) article is worth the read as well.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What Is That Worthless Senator Graham Worried About?
The Result Of Lousy, Crooked Refs
Rogers still can't win the big game. I mean, fumbling in the end zone? That said, the refs stunk up the place.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Faux News, Can't Tell Onion From Fennel
Fox Nation readers confuse Onion article with real news

Friday, November 26, 2010
More Old Crocodiles, More Science, What; Is A Teabagger To Do?
"They were living on land and could run very fast," said Komsorn, who noticed the skull fossil in a museum in the summer of 2006. The 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) fossil was originally retrieved from an excavation site in Nakhon Rathchasima province, also known as Korat, but had not been identified as belonging to a distinct species.
A Day Late, A Turkey Drumstick Short
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Good For Dentistry
I wonder what the big guy's stomach looks like after five years of elephant sized aspirin? Without pain he must be in even a better mood. Oh, & he took it like an elephant, no novocaine.
The dentist who carried out the operation, CV Pradeep, told the BBC that the elephant was fully co-operative and appeared much happier once it was all over.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It About Time
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
My New Best Friend & I Hope He Teaches Us How To Enjoy "It"* When We Are 111
The ReThugs Are Destoying The Country (With Sad Help From The Democratic Party) & This Appears On The Strib's From Page (Online Version)
Another Lie, Nothing New Here - We're Supposed To Move On - Remember
If Mel (The Racist) Gibson's Case Can Be Delayed, Think Of All The Regular People Awaiting Justice From A Corrupt System (You Name The System)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sports Beat - The Refs Called A Good Game Edition
Rough times in Minnesota. It's really too bad.

Happy overall with the Packer's win, however.

A Lutheran? I'll Be Dipped

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Patti Smith, Good For Her

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Book Report(s)
Harbinger? Omen? Truth?
This is how you normally see this bird. Does this change you answer?

Monday, November 15, 2010
What The Hell Is Wrong With President OBama?
Sports Beat - Political
Q. Don't you find it amazing that Phil Simms was able to survive 14 NFL seasons without the benefit of a chinstrap? (Eric Karashinski; Milwaukee)
A. Well, Glenn Beck has survived five TV years without the benefit of any reasonable thought.

It's Sad - Favre Loses

Sunday, November 14, 2010
What A Fucking Fool

I Hope All These "Health Care Professionals" Are Not Only Kicked Out Of Their Jobs, But Are Also Put In Prison
What Bu$hCo did (& apparently President Obama supports as well, although much more quietly.)

What the Roman Catholics did during the Spanish Inquisition.

This Is Actually Interesting
How cool is that?It has taken four highly qualified engineers and a bunch of integral equations to figure it out, but we now know how cats drink. The answer is: very elegantly, and not at all the way you might suppose.
What happens is that the cat darts its tongue, curving the upper side downward so that the tip lightly touches the surface of the water.
The tongue is then pulled upward at high speed, drawing a column of water behind it.
Just at the moment that gravity finally overcomes the rush of the water and starts to pull the column down — snap! The cat’s jaws have closed over the jet of water and swallowed it.
The cat laps four times a second — too fast for the human eye to see anything but a blur — and its tongue moves at a speed of one meter per second.

First Snow At Our Place 2010
Down the town road again.
The flowering crab in the yard.
Click 'em to big 'em.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sports Beat - 82-20 Division

Thursday, November 11, 2010
A Lie Is Not A Fib
LIEberman Is Not A Decent Person - No Newsflash Here
Late in the negotiations over the public option, a group of five conservative Democrats and five more-liberal Democrats seemed near to an unexpectedly smart compromise: Allow adults over 55 to buy into Medicare. This idea had a couple of different virtues: For one, it opened an effective and cheap program up to a group of Americans who often have the most trouble finding affordable insurance. For another, the Congressional Budget Office has said this policy would improve Medicare's finances by bringing healthier, younger applicants into the risk pool. Oh, and it's wildly popular with liberals, who want to see Medicare offered as an option to more people, and since Medicare is already up and running, it could've been implemented rapidly.
But Lieberman killed it. It was never really clear why. He'd been invited to the meetings where the compromise was developed, but he'd skipped them. He'd supported the idea when he ran for president with Al Gore, and he'd reaffirmed that support three months prior to its emergence in the health-care debate during an interview with the editorial board of the Connecticut Post. But now that it was on the table, he seemed to be groping for reasons to oppose it. About the best he managed was that it was "duplicative," which was about as nonsensical a position as could be imagined. Nevertheless, he swore to filibuster the bill if the buy-in option was added. The proposal was duly removed
My emphases. What a sleazy piece of crap.
What A Fool/Tool

Typical - Another Reason To Wonder About What Happened To America
Fortunately it might be so hideous even the Dems will reject it.
Mother Jones.The Catfood Commission co-chairs are trying hard to get ahead of the untimely release of their draft proposals for deficit reduction because they are so incredibly draconian no one would possibly agree to them, much less 14 of 18 commissioners, which is what it takes to get them approved.
Obama has made some less than savvy political decisions in office but this one has to take the cake. If he ends up signing on to deep cuts in social security in exchange for some tax hikes that will be subject to revision by the next idiot Republican who comes into office bleating "it's your money!" then he will have presided over the destruction of the Democratic Party.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Oh Loyal Five Readers, Here This
Monday, November 08, 2010
Sports Beat - The Refs Played Well In Two Games

Saturday, November 06, 2010
Sports Beat
On to the Turner Classic Movies channel, or, truthfully, on to the Arkansas-South Carolina game. Go Razorbacks, Steve Spurrier is a first class asshat.

From The Progressive
He repeatedly mentioned the need for “civility” and “consensus” at a time when it’s more important than ever to slug out the ideological differences.
Friday, November 05, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Yes, We Dolts & DFH Can Count, But We Could Not Count On You
We can fucking count, out here. We know what 51 means. We know what 257 means. We're not morons. And all the procedural whatsit you argue today, about ConservaDems and Blue Dogs, doesn't mean shit. You had it, and we worked hard to give it to you, and we see you calling things impossible which are just very hard, and we get fucking annoyed, because we don't get to get away with that shit. Not at our jobs and not in our lives.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Is This The End?