Time - Friday, November 5 · 11:00am - 7:00pm
Location - Powderhorn Park Building (please share this event)
35th street & 15th Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Despite his scars, Whittington bears no ill will toward Cheney. He calls him "a very capable and honorable man" and adds, "He's said some very kind things to me."
But did Cheney ever say in private what he didn't say in public? Did he ever apologize?
Whittington, who has been talking about his life and career for hours, suddenly draws silent.
"I'm not going to go into that," he says sharply after a short pause.
Harry Whittington is too gracious to say it out loud, but he doesn't dispute the notion, either.
Nearly five years on, he's still waiting for Dick Cheney to say he's sorry.
The fossil specimen was a giant bird about five feet tall that had an exceptionally elongated beak with a grooved tip. Its estimated body mass was twice that of today’s emperor penguin, so it was one of the largest penguins that ever lived. The extinct species has been named Inkayacu paracasensis, meaning the water emperor from the Reserva Nacional de Paracus, the place in Peru where the fossils were uncovered.
...the National Institutes of Health, even paid for syphilis-infected prostitutes to sleep with prisoners, since Guatemalan prisons allowed such visits. When the prostitutes did not succeed in infecting the men, some prisoners had the bacteria poured onto scrapes made on their penises, faces or arms, and in some cases it was injected by spinal puncture.
In World War I, the Army lost nearly 7 million person-days and discharged more than 10,000 men because of STDs. Only the great influenza pandemic of 1918–1919 accounted for more loss of duty during that war.(10,000, probably all men, - sounds like a research pool to me, ed.)****
Among World War II draftees, the rates of syphilis varied by region, with a peak prevalence of 11.3 cases per 100 selectees from the southern Atlantic states and a low of 1.1 cases per 100 selectees from New England.(Goddamned eastern liberals, & you can bet your next paycheck that those soldiers from the southern Atlantic states were white as the day is long ed.)
Q: How many black American soldiers served overseas in World War 2?
A: i have a big penis(I particularly like the cool lack of punctuation & capitalization trick. All people of color are stupid, don't you know?)
...those caught possessing small amounts of the drug on the same level as those caught speeding on the freeway.
My emphasis.A new study co-authored by MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, and Union College researchers documents the existence of collective intelligence among groups of people who cooperate well, showing that such intelligence extends beyond the cognitive abilities of the groups' individual members, and that the tendency to cooperate effectively is linked to the number of women in a group.