Digby talks about whether or not finding out something you believe to be true isn't true & what a person does about it. Well, pretty much nothing. As the one commenter says, sort of, all the more reason not to try & reason with the ReThugs, they won't change their minds no matter how many times you show them the truth. In other words, fuck bipartisanship. I guess President Obama was correct when he said people, bitter people cling to guns, religion, laziness when things don't seem to be working out so well. I guess a person could delete the "bitter" descriptor & it would probably be even more true. This is the kind of discussion that really, really gets me despondent, mainly because it is true that people tend to not only cling to their untrue ideas, they become even harder believers in that fantasy. I suppose it's all about control. When things are out of the control of a person, & most things are, they can only control what it is that they themselves think & to be proven wrong mitigates against their sense of self, of their feelings of well being. Looking out at this country, it's not a pretty picture. With the dickhead Tea Baggers really believing in their views of freedom, for example, freedom becomes completely elusive. If President Obama is the already considered the worst socialist in American history, what's next? In fact, most of these dorks have no idea what a socialist is, & if President Obama was truely a socialist, we all wouldn't be suffering through crappy health care, CEOs making millions at our expense, the boondoggles of two wars, among many other issues. What is so hard for me to fathom is that President Obama is a middle-of-the-road Democrat, more in turn with the Blue Dog ReThuglicanthan-lites than with me. How did the conversation get so fucked up? So, far from the truth? So, so, out there? There are days when I wish I drank too much, like today, then I'd only worry about where I hid that bottle of Sapphire, rather than trying to escape the quicksand of the ReThug's brain.
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