Friday, October 26, 2007

Universal Health Care

Jeez, Atrios points to to some really uncomfortable facts the ReThugs refuse to acknowledge.
-Two in three say they haven't benefited from the Bush tax cuts....
-A majority of Americans say they would tolerate higher taxes -- if it paid for universal health care....
-60% said they would be willing to repeal tax cuts to help pay for a health-care program that insures all Americans....
-52% vs 36% favored health and education spending as a better economic stimulus than tax cuts....
This just shows how intelligent the majority of the American public is, regarding health & Bu$hCo's stupid tax policy.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see that Fox news says that Al Qaeda started the fires out west. Lucky thing for us George Bush flew out there and put them out. Maybe someone should research George's activities during a full moon.

I know this has nothing to do with your subject but was too funny to pass up.