Thursday, March 09, 2006


So, within my sad, little life I've got stuff to deal with. Stuff I thought maybe had been left somewhere along the journey, but NO-oooo. It rears it's fucking head, just when I think it's finally made the final hibernation. The last two days at the gym have been brutal, but that's hardly the stuff I'm dealing with. Man, for the good part of the good old days, I'd give up, oh, I don't know, beer, maybe. In fact, I may just drink a bit too much beer this weekend. That indicates how much I believe a person can reclaim anything from past stuff. The kid & son-in-law are coming up tonight (they'll take their dog home, yay). We'll have a good time. So back to working out stuff, like trying to figure out just what decision to blithely overlook, to take one for the team, or to, what's the opposite of simply (?), go back to whatever I had been doing for most of my life. Sorry to burden my four readers with the minutiae of a not very deep psyche on a day that started off so foggy that it was clear a change in the season is nearly upon us. &, no, I'm not going into much detail, but suffice it to say that life is complicated & I'm fairly worthless at complicated stuff. Back to the horror that is the Bu$hCo regime, the coat hanger sensibility of South Dakotans, the inability of the Beltway Democratic party to have a spine, & happily back to the iPod & The Radiators. Later, gators.


Anonymous said...

what the "f", i hope we do not have to talk you off the edge of the deck this weekend?!!

coldH2O said...

Either that or the oredock.