Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Slow Day

So far, I've not posted a thing. It's warm as heck around here - nearly 40 degrees F. Snow is melting & sliding off the roof, although, there hasn't been much sun. It's a bit of a slow news day, but maybe it will pick up. Who knows?


Anonymous said...

This may be a good time to start making book on what the September Election Crisis the GOP concocts will be. Hope the GOP shows a little imagination this time.

Anonymous said...

I see Bush stopped briefly in Afghanistan on his recent trip. Bet you could carry a lot of heroin in Air Force one.

Shutterwi said...

Here are the options as I see them.

1.Iran not Iraq (October)

2.West Coast not east coast. (mid summer)

3.Train or boat not plane.

4.God, guns and gays they can change completely.

5. Term limits! For Dems only.