Sunday, March 05, 2006

More On Sex & Dirty Hippies

I know, cheap shot, but as a believer, a believer in Darwin & evolution, I think this borders on cannibalism. But seriously, in the 21st century, why are people eating their cousins? It's the old saw: we can put a man on the moon, but we can't feed hungry people. It's a sign of a human devolution.

"Scientists are struggling to save the fast-disappearing bonobo, the gentle 'hippie chimp' known for resolving squabbles through sex rather than violence.

Unfortunately, bonobos are prized by Congolese for their tasty meat, and many villagers who are illegally hunting the wiry, wizen-faced apes don't realize how close their prey is to extinction.

'Bonobos are an icon for peace and love, the world's 'hippie chimps,'' said Sally Coxe of the Washington-based Bonobo Conservation Initiative. 'To let them die off would be a catastrophe.'

The animals are known for greeting rival groups with genital handshakes and sensual body rubs. Bonobo spats are swiftly settled -- often with a French kiss and a quick round of sex."

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