Monday, March 06, 2006

Jeez Louise #453

OK, people start writing those letters or emails, not from The Black Cat in Ashland, WI, however, she won't provide WiFi for her patrons. This will be one more reason to throw the bums out. I wonder if this will stick? Come on main stream press, do your job.

"Want to see the next minefield that the Bush Administration will step into on the Dubai Ports World deal? Responding to building GOP criticism of this deal, the Administration has quietly approached DPW about restructuring this deal so that an American firm is brought aboard as a partner to lessen domestic criticism. Guess which firm is being positioned as DPW’s marriage partner? H-A-L-L-I-B-U-R-T-O-N. I kid you not. As we have said from Day One, the GOP never lets national security get in the way of a profit opportunity."

Emphasis added.

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